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CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS a:is william james|k:it (william) (8)



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    CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard Universiy. Harvard theological studies. 7. BACON (Benjamin William). Is Mark a Roman gospel? pp. (6) + 106 + (2). 3 8°. Ca ii,4gand London, 1919. See BACON (Benjamin William).

    Card ID: 151

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    DEPOSITOR’ CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS).. Harvard, University. Harvard Studies n Education. 24. An Histofical study of examinations and grading .systeriia in early American universities: a. critical study of the oriina1 records of Harvard, William and Mary Yale, Mount Holyolce, and Michig.n. from their - founding to 1900. By M. L. Smaliwood. A dissertation presented to.. .Yale University. . .for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,. 1934. [With a bibliogràphy.J pp. xiii. + (2) +13?. Tables. a”. Cambridge (Mass.),t935.

    Card ID: 128

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    CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Med iaeval IPub1ications.J. 3C cCWt4ThZ .iiw ô7 72. KIBRE (Pearl). Scholarly privileges in the Middle Ages, 1961. 73. WADSWORTH (James B.) Lyons, 1Li73—1503: the beginnings of cosmopolitanIsm. 1962. 74. LUVI (William E.) Financial relations of the Pap’ with England, etc. Vol. 2. 1962. C. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 330

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    cAMBRrDGE (MAsSACHUSETTS). Harvard Universiti. Harvard theological studies. 3. ARNOLD (William iosenzweig). Ephod and ark: a study in the records and religion of the ancient Hebrews. (Issued as an extra number of the Harvard Theological Review.) pp. (2) + 170. Diagram and folded table. 8°. Cambridge [Mas.j and London, 1917. See ANOI (William Rosenzweig).

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: PYNCRON (William)


    SXbc Pyn PYNCRON (William). Colonial justice in Western Massachusetts, 1639- 1702. The Pynchon Court record: an original judges’ diary of the administration of justice in the Springfield Courts in the Massachusetts Bay colony. [Written chiefly by William and John Pytlchc,n. 3 iited, with a legal and historical introduction, by J.H.Smith. (Legal Studies of the William Nelson Crom’iell Founafion) pp. ix. + k2b. Portiii and facsimile. 80. Cambridge., Mass., 1961.

    Card ID: 471

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    Author: HATCH (William Henry Paine)


    Pahcrapiy HATCH (William Henry Paine). — See CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUsETTs). Harvard Univej. Harvard theological studies. 4. E])2LUtIDS (charles C.) and HATCH (William H.P.) The Gospel manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary. f(s-J Cambridge,and 191S.

    Card ID: 448

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    Author: PYNCHON (John)


    SXbc Pyn PYNCHON (John). See PYNCHON (William). Colonial justice in Western Maasa.chusett, 1639- 17O. The Pynchon Court record: an original judgeB’ diary of the administration of justice in the Springfield Courts in the Massachusetts Bay colony. [Written chiefly by William and John Pynchon.] Edited, with a. legal arid historical introduction, by J.H.&nitb. 80. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: SMITH (Joseph Henry)


    SXbc Pyn SMITH (Joseph Henry), of the 1’Tew York Bar. See PYNCHON (William). Colonial justice in Western t.ssachusetts, 1639- 17O. The Pynchon Court record: an original judges’ diary of the administration of justice in the Springfield Courts in the Massachusetts Bay colony. [Written chiefly by William and John Pynchon.] Edited, iith a legal and historical Introduction, by J.H.Smith. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1961.

    Card ID: 349