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CALVIN Jean a:s louis|k:in (louis) (64)



  • card

    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    CALVIN (Jean). [Cards under this heading are arranged In the following order: I ‘Works Smaller Collect±ons Let t er Catechi ems Commentaries on the Bible Confession de Pci des glises de France Forme des Prires Eccl4siastiques Inati.tutio Christianae Religionis Sermons Minor Works Selections Works edited or ‘‘rntributions by Calvin Appendix.

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: CALVIN(Jean)


    CALVIN(Jean). [Smaller collections.] Joannis Calvini opera selecta. Edidit 1’.3arth, (G.Niesel). With bibliographies.) : Portrait. 8°. Munich, 1926— 59. 1. Scripta Calvini ab anno 1533 usque ad annum 151+1 contiriens. 1926. 2. Tractatus theologicos minores ab anno 151+2 usque ad annum 1561+ editos continens. Ediderunt P.Barth, D.Sctieuner. 1952. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    PTCD ci 6E 954 CALVIN (Jean). tsmailer Collections.) Theological treatises. Translated with introductions and notes by J.K.S.Reid. (The Library of Christian Classics, 22.) pp. 355. Bibliography. 80. London, 1954.

    Card ID: 108

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    FTcL C I C (E CALVIN (Jean). [Smaller Collections.) Tracts and treatises, etc. [Continued.) 1. On the Reformation of the Church. 2. On the doctrine and worship of the Church. 3. In defence of the Reformed Faith.

    Card ID: 110

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    CALVIN (Jean). lCatechisms.—Gaelic.) Adtimchjol an chreidinth: the Gaelic version of John Calvin’s Catechismus ecclesiae Genevensis. A aosimile reprint, including the prefixed poems and the shorter catechism of i659, with notes and glossary, and an introduction. Edited by R1L.Thomson. (Scottish Gaelic Texts,7.) pp. xlii. + vi. 8°. Edinburith, 1962.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    • CALVIN (Jean). tComrn?ntaries on the Bible. — Epjstles.] Coimnentaries on the Epistles of Paul. the Apostle to the Philipplans, Cossians, and Thessalonians, by J.Calvin, etc. Edinburgh, 1851. BIBLE. Epistles. [LatinandEngiish.]

    Card ID: 116

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    Pr90 14 CALVIN (Jean). ICommentaries on the Bible.-. EpIstles.] Calvin’s commentaries. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews and the First and Second Epistles of St Peter. Translator: W.B.Johnston. Editor$: E1W.Torrance, T.F. Torrance. Edinburgh and London. 1963. See BIBLE. Epistles. [Engli8h.j

    Card ID: 117

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    CALVIN (Jean). (Commentaries on the Bible. — Epistles.) Calvin’s commentaries. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians. Translator: R.Mackenzie. Editors: D.WTorrance, T.P.Torrance. Edinburgh and London, 1961. See BIBLE. Epistles. [Enish.]

    Card ID: 118

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    P4J 15 Cal CALVIN (Jean). [Conmientaries on the Bible - Epist1es .3 Calvin’s .conmentaries. The Epistles of Paul. the apostle to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. [With the biblical text. 3 Translator: T.H.L.parker. Editors: D.W.Torrance and T.F.Torrance.. 80 • Ed.lnburgh and London, 1965. See BIBLE. Epistles. [En1ish.]

    Card ID: 119

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    t BACON 8OC1CT’ Rareoe Ov CALVIN (Jean). [Commentaries on the Bible. - Gospels. A Harinonie vpon the three Euangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, with the cornmentarie oi 1I.Iohn Caluine, etc. London, 1584. I:AflthI edition. jq London,. 16w. e BIBLE. Gospels. Harton1es. [English.)

    Card ID: 121

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    T1) co-I- CALVIN (Jean). [Commentaries on the Bible..-. John, Gospel of.) Calvin’s commentaries. The Gospel according to St John, 1—10. Translator: T.}hL. Parker. Editors: D.W. Torrance, Ti!. Torrance. Edinburgh and London, 1959. See BIBLE. John, Gospel of. [English.]

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: CALVIN (Jean)


    CALVIN (Jean). ECommentaries on the Bible. — John, Gospel of.] Calvin’s commentaries. The Gospel according to St. John, 11—21, and the First Epistle of John, Translator: T.H.L.Parker. Editors: D.W.Torrance, T.F. Torrance. Edinburgh and London, 1961. See BIBLE. John, Gospel of. Eng1ish.)

    Card ID: 123