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CALVERT Albert frederick a:in albert|k:0273 (8)
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CALVERT, Albert Frederick
CALVERT, Albert frederick
CALVERT, Albert, Frederick
CALVERT, Albert Frederick and HARTLEY, Catherine casquoine
Author: CALVERT (Albert Frederick)
DEPOSITORY CALVERT (Albert Frederick). Catalonia & the Balearic Isles: an historical and descriptive account...With 250 plates. (The spanish Series.) pp.. xv. + 107. 0 8 . London and New York, 1910.
Card ID: 23
DEPOSITORY CALVERT (Albert Frederick). The Life of Cervantes...With. numerous portraits and reproductions from early editions of Don Quixote. The tercent— ary edition. [With a bib1iographr.) pp. x. ÷ 138 + (2). ortra1t. pit and facsimile. 8°. London and New Yor 1905. EUOTPHELIPS COLLECTION. [Another copy.) . ,
Card ID: 28
DEPQSITQRI CALVERT (Albert Frederick). Leon, Burgos and Salamanca: a historical and descript.ive account. • .With. • .illutrations. (Th Sanish Series.) p.xxv. + 11. 8°. London and New York, 1908.
Card ID: 29
DEPOSITOR’( CALVERT (Albert Frederick). Royal palaces of Spain a historical & descriptive, account of ‘the’ seven princpaL. palaces of the. Spanish kings:. With... illustrations. anisaria.) pp. xiv. ÷ 107. 8° London and York, 1909
Card ID: 32
Author: CALVERT (Albert frederick)
- I 0 CALVERT (Albert frederick). Spain, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Plates, illustrations &nd map (E.D.M.L.J 0 London, 1911.
Card ID: 36
Author: CALVERT (Albert, Frederick)
DEPOSITORY CALVERT (Albert, Frederick). Valladolid, Oviedo, Segovia, Zainora, Avila, & Zaragoza: an historical & descriptive account... With.. .illustrations. (The Spanish Series.) pp. xxiii. + 162. [P.M.L.j 8. London and New York, 1908.
Card ID: 39
‘ — CALVERT (Albert Frederick) and 1IATLEY (Catherine Gasquoine). The Prada: a description..of the principal pictures in the Madrid gallery, (The spanish Serje.) pp. xvi. 149 + 223 plates. 8°. omion and iIew_York, 1907.
Card ID: 41
Author: CALVERT (Albert Frederick) and HARTLEY (Catherine casquoine)
• VLgQ VEL Cal CALVERT (Albert Frederick) and HARTLEY (Catherine casquoine). Velazquez: an account of his life and works. • .With. ..reproductions from his most celebrated pictures. (The pi.i.) pp. xviii. + (2) ÷ 218. 0 8 . xidprj and w .York, .1908.
Card ID: 42