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CAJDII Willian a:p |k:p (will) (1)
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CAJDII, Willian
Author: CAJDII (Willian)
CAJDII (Willian), the Anti,. Annales. The true and royal]. history of... Elizabeth, Queene of England, etc. [Being the first three parts of CamdeiP translated by A. Darcie from the French of P.D.B., i.e. P. de Belligent.] (Tomus alter, . idern; or, the Hiatorie of the life...of that famous Princesse, 3lizabeth...since the reare of the fatall Spanish invasion, [Being the fourth part,of Camden’s “Annales”, translated by T. Browne.)) London 1625-29. See ELIZABETH, een of England.
Card ID: 480