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CAIRNS John a:on john|k:0959 (3)
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Author: CAIRNS (John)
• 2 CAIRNS (John),. Principal of the United Pre5byterian College, Edinburgh. An Exuminat,ion of Professor Ferrier’s Theoy of knowing and being, [CONTI2UED. I SMITH (J.), Assistant Minister New Grey An Examination of Cairçs’s “Examination of Professor Ferrier s ‘Theory of knowing and. beirg”. Edinburgharid London, 1856. [tr-4J Q3 E.P2] C, —i •
Card ID: 389
DEPOS1ofly CAIRNS (John), rincipa1 of the United Presbyterian CoUee Jdin’ourgi. Th Jews in relation to the Chwoh and the world: a oourse of leotures by Professor ,,Cenon Cook..Protessor Leathes... Bishop Oleughton,. .D. raser• . .Frofessor Birks • With a prefao by,. .Bishop P. Claughtaz. pp. xii,+ 168. (L.W,L.J 80 1877,
Card ID: 391
C I-j CAIRNS (John) rincipa1 of the United Pre1teria College, dinbrgn. The Scottish phi1osohy: a vindication and. a1 reply [to J. Smith a Ramination of Cairns...s “Examination of Professor Ferrierts ‘Theorr of knowing and being “3. pp. 26. tDe M.) 8°. Kdinburg and London, 1856.
Card ID: 392