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CADOTJX, Cecil John
JX, Cecil John
Author: CADOTJX (Cecil John)
CADOTJX (Cecil John).. The Life of Jesus. (E&ijvan Books.) pp. 224. . 0 8 . West Prayt, 1948.
Card ID: 504
LJcV CADOTJX (Cecil John). Ancient Smyrna: a history of the city from the earliest times to 324 A.D. pp. xlv. ÷ 438. Plates and nia. 8°. oxford, 1938.
Card ID: 501
Author: JX (Cecil John)
CADOtJX (Cecil John) . BAtTLET (J.V.) Church—life and Church—order during the first four centuries...edited by C.J.Cadoux, With...a niemoir by the cditor. Oxfor4, 1943.
Card ID: 506