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C lunch c(’c) (6)



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    Author: C (lunch)


    XEQ5 Ite lDiIiC (lunch) Trobar clus, trobar leu: Studien zur Dichttngstheonie der Trobadors. pp. 20k. 3° Munich 1968.

    Card ID: 471

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    Author: No Author available


    EGLND. Miscellaneous Subheading8. British BroadcastinR Corporation BBC lunch—time lectures. Ninth series. [Continued.] 6. CURRAN (Sir Charles John). Broadcasting: the ‘1’Z (c i) executive function. 1975.

    Card ID: 49

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    Author: No Author available


    ZNGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. British Broadcasting Cor,oration. BBC lunch—time lectures Fifth series. [Continued.] 5. FAWDRY (Kenneth). Television for schools, etc. 1967. 6. McLEAN (Sir Francis). Colour television. 1967. ‘.c)

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: No Author available


    GL41D. Miscellaneous Subheadings. 5ri tish 3roadcasting Corporation. 33C lunch-time lectures. Ninth series. [Voluntes in this series are separate].y catalogued under the authors.] 1z( c 1. SWAtN (Sir Michae]. I’leredith). The Responsibility of the Governors. 1974. ‘ta. (c’c.) k. TRETHOWAN (James Ian Raley). The Developnent of radio. 1975. 5. WH]Lt)ON (Sir Huw P.)The Achievement of television. 1975. [SEE NEXT CAID.)

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: No Author available


    ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. British Broadcasting Corporatiofl. BBC lunch—time lectures. Fourth series. [VolunTes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.J y2.) 1. NEWBY (Percy Howard ).The Third programme, 1965. ‘YD(. 2. ARKELL (John Heward). The Role of management in broadcasting. 1965. C 3. BROOK (Norman Craven), BaronNormanbro.ok. The Functions of the B?C’s governops. 1965. [s xr CARD.]

    Card ID: 40

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    Author: No Author available


    ENGLAND. IisceU.aneou8 Subhesdings. Britjth BrostjngCorporation. BBC lunch—tiDe lectires. Fifth series. [Volumes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.) 2. REED (O.P.E.). Training for the world’s broadcasters, Y’— etc. 1966. (P.c.Z) 3. MUIR (Frank). Comedy in television, 1966. 4. CAMPBELL (John), f the BB,C. Listening to the world. 1967. 2 [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 42