
Search Term (count):

C June a:on robert|k:an (robert) (5)



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    Author: C (June)


    9+ DEEIc:C (June), H.A. A Study of the Christiaii directory of Robert Persons, and its relation to other Elizabethan Recusant devotional works. [With bibliographies. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.A. of the University of London in 1954.] (1) + iv. + 322 leaves. 0 4 . 1954.

    Card ID: 255

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    Author: No Author available


    17 Tr CONGRESSES. Tarski Symposium. Proceed1ng of the ¶trski Symposiun: an international symposium held to honor Alfred Tareki on the occasion of his seventieth birthdsy. (Held at the University of California, Berkeley, June 23-30, 1971.) Edited by Lion Henkln and John Addison, C. C. Chang, William Craig, Ina Scott, Robert Vaught. Published f or the Association for Symbolic Logic. (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure thtic, 25.) pp.2cc, 1196. Bibi. and illus. Providence, R.I., 19714.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: ENKIN (Lion)


    I{ENKIN (Lion). Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium: an international. symposium held to honor Alfred rski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. (Held at the University of California, Berkeley, June 23-30, 1971.) Edited by I.on Eenkin and John Addison, C. C., William Craig lna Scott, robert Vaught. Published for the Association f or Symbolic logic. Providence, R.I., 19711.. See C0NG1ESSES. 1rski Symposium.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: No Author available


    p1WiCIO1 (NvI JERsEY). Princeton University. Department of Economics. International Finance Section. Princeton studies in international finance. [Continued.) 27. FLANDERS (Miriam June). The Demand for international reserves. 1971. 28. COLLERY (Arnold). International adjustment, open economies, and the quantity theory of money. 1971. ,a,(P C 29. OLIVER (Robert Warner). EarJ,y plans for a world bank. 1971. 30. HVCfES0!( (Tboma3 ii.) & PORTER (R.C.) The Cost of tying aid: a method and szie Colombian estioaten. 1972. ______ [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 184

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    Author: No Author available


    •-.f:- ‘ DEPOSlTOIX RUTTEN C Louis Martin Robert) end H0T7 (Welter). Geological, petrographical and palaeontologica]. results of explorations carried ou from September 1917 till June 1919 in the island of Cerarn by L. Rutten and W. Hotz,etc. First series: Petroraphy. 1. JONG (H. de). Stttdien Itber Eruptiv- und.Miscbgesteine des Kaibobogebietes, West Ceram. pp. (6) + 87. Plates. •0 4. Amsterdam, 1923.

    Card ID: 445