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C Jean a:l q|k:l (q) (8)



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    Author: C (Jean)


    DEPOS1Top- DZERIC1C (Jean). Sec JSSENS (Eric). [Appendix.] LLn,uietue cOnte7nporG.ine: homage ErY [With a bibliography of his works .1 (Publie par J. 1Y1erioic et Y. lebrun.) Th-ussels, 1970.

    Card ID: 163

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    Author: C (Jean)


    X1L A Q • L GLEP1C (Jean), of Amsterdam. -73 See SALLUSPIUS CiISPUS (C.) [works. — latin.J C.Grjsri zaljustii ouae extaat... Pruernittitur a11ustii vita, auctore... 01100. Cambridjre, 17iC.

    Card ID: 103

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    Author: C (Jean)


    YEBNATJ3C (Jean). Iriventaire sominaire des arch±ves des greffes scabiriaiix eomnnmauts, seigneuries et paroisses, . Tongres, 1937. g BELGIIJLt. Departments of State and Official Bodies. AdrJ.nistration des Archives grales du Royaume. Archives de l’tat a Lige.

    Card ID: 75

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    Author: C( FkilSART (Jean)


    cic C( FkilSART (Jean). [Chroniques. — English.] Froissarts Cronycles. Translated out of the French by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners. IThe text taken from that of the first edition printed by B., Pynson in 1523—25.] 2 vols in 8. I1lustitions axidjiiaps. 8°. Oxford, 1927. No. 114_of an editionjimiteto 3O copies printed at the eare Llpad Pretratfd—upii-Ay. The coats of armstrting thwor1 co1oured b haid.

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: C (Jean ptiste Cnt)


    ‘to HAN HAITT-CLttC (Jean ptiste Cnt). Journal de cc qul a ‘eat pcasc A la tour du Temple pendant la captivite de Louis XVI, Roi de France. [Jay J.B.C. Hanet—C1Sry.) pp. 296. Paris, 1825.

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: JEAN (Prank C, )


    DEPOSITORY JEAN (Prank C, ) and WEAVER (John E. ) Root behaviour and orop yield under wrigation. twith a bibliographyl. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 57). pp.. folded iat,e 8, Washington, 1924.

    Card ID: 476

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    Author: C (Henri de) and DAITILOU (Jean)


    LUB&C (Henri de) and DAITILOU (Jean). Sources chrtientaes. £Continued.) 63. RICA1DUS, Prior S.Victoris Par2sten.sts. IS34 IDe Trinitate.,katin and French.] La Trinité. Texte la.tlzi, introduction, tra— duction et notes do G.Slet. 1!99. p14 61#. C4SSIANUS (Joannes), emita. .CoiThtionJ55 Iatin. andFenh.J Conferences. Vol.3. 1959. 65. ROME, Church of. [POPES. -GELASIUS I., ))-92- ÷96.J Lettre contre les Lupercales et aixhuit messes du Sacramettaire lonien. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de G.P,mar. etc. 1959.

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: C (henri de) and DANIELOU (Jean)


    LUB?C (henri de) and DANIELOU (Jean). Sources chrètiennes. Continued.] 218—219. IDATIUS, Bishop of Chaves. [chronicon. — La” and French.] Chronicue. . . Introduction, texte critique, traduction (corninentaire et index) par Alain Tranoy. 2 vo1s.i374. ?t( L_ 220. SALVIANUS, Maesi1iensis Preyter. [Worke. - Latin A and French.] Oeuvres. Vol. fl. Du gouvernement de Dieu. Introduction, texte critique, tradution et notes par Georges Lagarrigue. 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 547