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C Edward Augustus c(’c) (3)
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C, Edward Augustus
FREEMAJ, Edward Augustus
NDALL, Edward Augustus
Author: C (Edward Augustus)
M cC PITZPATR13C (Edward Augustus). McCarthy of Wisconsin. pp. x. + 316. Portraits, plates and diagrams. 0 8 . Few York, 19L114..
Card ID: 82
Author: FREEMAJ (Edward Augustus)
c OE?OSi0 FREEMAJ (Edward Augustus). Lectures to American audienoes...I. The English people in its three homes. II. The practical bearings of general Etzropean history. pp. viii. + 4ã. [1.1.] 8. Philadelphia and London, 1882.
Card ID: 449
Author: NDALL (Edward Augustus)
iNDALL (Edward Augustus). An Argument for construing largely the right of wa epeflee of murder, to insist on trial by battle, and. also for abolishing appeals.. .Second edition, revised and enlarged. With an appendix. containing a report of a debate in the Rouse of Commons, on...abo)4ehing appeals of murder in the British LTOrth American colonies, &c.&o. pp. six.. + 304 + (3). Frontispiece. [L.t.J 8. Tondon, 1818. The last 3 pages incorrectly numbered.
Card ID: 135