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BYROM John a:on john|k:0959 (4)
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Author: BYROM (John)
BYROM (John), Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. The I’rivate journal and literary remains of J.Byrom. Edited by R.Parkinson. (The Byrom ped.igrees. (ith illustrative notes, by F.R.Raines.) [Manohesterl, 1854—57. See MANCISTER. Chetham Sooiey. Remains, . No. 32,
Card ID: 55
ir r Lvr)4 BYROM (John), Fellow_of Trinity Colleze,. Cambri4&c. Selections from the journals and papers of John Byrom, poet, diarist, shorthand writer, 1691—1763. Edited with notes and. biographical sketches of some of his notable contemporaries by H. Talon. [With a] foreword by B. Dobrée. [With a bibliography.] pp. xvi. + 536. Portraits, plates, facsimiles and table. 0 8 . London, 1950.
Card ID: 56
DEPOfTO BYROM (John), Fe11oi of TrInity Coiiege. Cambridge. .ci HOBHOTJSE (Stephen E.) ü11iam Law and eighteenth century Quakerism, including sone unpublIshed letters and fragments of William Law and ohn Byroin. London, 1927.
Card ID: 67
BYROM (John), Peliow of Trinity College, Cambri. 11ANCHE3TIR. Chetham tibrary. Bibliotheca Chethamensis; sive, Bibliothec public Mancunieneis ab Hurnfredo Chethatn. .func3at catalogus, etc. (vol.vI. Catalogue of the books and manuscripts...added between the years 1863 and 1881, including the collection of John Byroin, etc.) Manchester, 1883.
Card ID: 68