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BYROM John a:is william|k:it (william) (4)
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LAW, ‘Iiiam
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Author: BYROM (John)
DEPOfTO BYROM (John), Fe11oi of TrInity Coiiege. Cambridge. .ci HOBHOTJSE (Stephen E.) ü11iam Law and eighteenth century Quakerism, including sone unpublIshed letters and fragments of William Law and ohn Byroin. London, 1927.
Card ID: 67
Author: LAW (‘Ii11iam)
DPOSCO* LAW (‘Ii11iam), Author of “A Serious Ca11’ etc. HOBHOUSE (Stephen H.) William Law and eighteenth century Quakerism, including seine unpublished letters and fragments of William Law and John Byrom. London, 1927.
Card ID: 259
Author: No Author available
I. t!EporTo*r IOBHOUSE (Stephen Henry). William Law and eighteenth century Quakerism, including sone unpublished letters and fragments of Wi1lia Law and John Byrom. pp, 3L12. Portrts 1ates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1927.
Card ID: 43
ARCHIVES INTERUAflONALES D’ HISTOIRE DES IDEES Archives internationales d’histoire des idées. [Continued.) >CIL. H 52. SCHMITT (Charles a.) Cicero scepticus. 1972. @ 53. HOYLES (John). The Edges of Augustanism: the aesthetics flS of spirituality in Thomas Ken, John Byrom and William t’j Law. 1972. 1 54. UTRECHT. Rijksarchief in dc Provincie Utrecht. oe) Inventaire des pièces d’archives françaises se rappor— tant A l’Abbaye de Port—Noyal des Champs et son cercie, et A is résistance centre is bulls Unigenitus et I l’appel. (‘[By) J. Bruggeman, A.J. van de Van.) 1972. crnfaZ€ 55. ANDREAS (Johann Valentin). [Chymieehe Hochzeit.- English.) Cross and crucible: Johann Valentin Andreae <1586— 1654), phoenix of the theologians. By John Warwick Montgomery. 1973 [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 299