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BUTLER William (74)



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    Author: BUTLER (William)


    K (,-7dftj BUTLER (William), Teacher of Writing. Arithmetical questions on a new plan, designed as a supplement to the author’s engraved Introduction to arithmetic..The second edition, enlarged. pp. ix. + 208 + (8). 8°. 2i4°fl2 1795.

    Card ID: 207

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    Author: BUTLER (William)


    ‘BUTLER (William),-Taoher of Wijtincz. Exercises on the globes; interspersed with some hi. storical, biographical, chronological, mythological, and miscellaneous information; on a new plan, designed for the use of young lathes... Third edition, with additions. pp. xxxii. + 398. 0 8 . London, 1803.

    Card ID: 209

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    STiL1iG L1E7URY ‘ RFDCE OL’( YEATS (William Butler). [Collections.) The Poems of W.B. Yeats. 2 vols. Portraits. 8q• London, 1949. No. 83 of an edition limited to 171 cooies signed by the author..

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    c’11’ YEATS (William Butler). tSnafler Collections.] Essays. pp. viii. + 538. o . London, 1924. Contents: Ideas of good and evil. The Cutt of an agje. Per aniica siient±a lunae. S.L.C., II.60’+. EAnothez copy.] 92Lf

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: YEWJS (William Butler)


    \it YEWJS (William Butler) - tsrnallcr Collections.) ø( Plays and controversies. (Reprinted.) pp. ix. + 461. Portrait and 1ates. i. 8°. London, 1927. Contents: The Irish dramatic movenent. The Countess Cabhleen. The land of heart’s desire. Four plays for dancers. Professor U.E11is—Frmorcop, with her pencil markiiigs and annotations. &t —• I} [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    STERLING LIBRARY 7 i’AJ REFERENCE ONLY YEATS (William Butler). [Smaller Coilections.] Dramatis personae. pp.88. 4° Cuala Press: Dublin, 1935. Edition limited to 400 oopies.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    STERLU’G IJtRARY L €taf1 ‘iJZ— O1LY YEATS (William Butler). [Smaller Coilections] Last poems and two plays. pp. 58. 8°. Cuala Press: Dublin, 1939. Edition limited to 500 copies.

    Card ID: 350

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    Va YEATS (William Butler). CSmafler Coliectios.J The Senite speeches of l.E. Yeuts. Edited by DR. Pearce. pp. 183. Portraita and plate. 8°. london, 1961.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    YQ Y42a Qam YEATS (William Butler). tSnfler Collections.) Yeats and the Noh...With two plays for dancers by Yeats and two Noh plays. t”At the hawk a well”, and “The Dreaming of the bones”, by W.B. Yeats, “Hagroao” and “Rishikii”, translated by Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenoilosa.] New York and Tokyo, l974. QAitBi (Althtar).

    Card ID: 353

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    •i•C) qç YEATS (William Butler). [Letters and Journai8.) Some letters from W.B.Yeats to John O’Leary and his sister, from originals in the Berg Collection. Edited by A.Wade. (Reprinted from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library of January—February 1953.) pp. 25. Facsimile, 8. New York, 1953.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    YEATS (William Butler). ELetters and Journai.]1 The Letters of W.B. Yeats. Edited by A. Wade. pp. 938. Portraits and facsimi1e. 8°. Lpridoii,, 1954. [Another copy.] C

    Card ID: 358

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    Author: YEATS (William Butler)


    Yo Y112F 970 YEATS (William Butler). ELetters and Journals.) Ah, sweet dancer: W.B. Yeats, Margot Ruddöck. A correspondence. Edited by- R. McHugh. pp. l2. Ports., facsims. London, 1970.

    Card ID: 359