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BUTLER Josephine Elizabeth a:pp jean|k:pp (jean) (4)
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BUTLER, Josephine Elizabeth
BUTLER, Josephine -Elizabeth
Author: BUTLER (Josephine Elizabeth)
L)WOSfl OaT, BUTLER (Josephine Elizabeth). Oathariie f Siena: e. biography. . . Fourth edItion. pp. xix. + 338. Portrait. [L. I.] 8°. London 1885.
Card ID: 492
- BUTLER (Josephine Elizabeth). - Josephine E. Butler: an autobiographical memoir. Edited by G.W. & L.A. Johnson. With. introduction by the Right Hon. 1. Stuart. (Third edition, revised and enlarged.) LWith a bibliography of the author’s publications.) pp. xii. + 276. Portraits. 8°. Bristol and London, 1928.
Card ID: 494
BUTLER (Josephine Elizabeth). The Life of Jean Frederic Oberlin, pastor of the Ban de la Roche, . ( Rreligiou1 Tfractl S[ocietvl Library pp.. 190. Portrait and illustrations. 16°. [London], 1886.
Card ID: 495
Author: BUTLER (Josephine -Elizabeth)
BUTLER (Josephine -Elizabeth) See BUTLER (Arthur S. G.) Portrait of Josephine Butler. idon, 1954. ;: S
Card ID: 498