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BUTLER Charles a:to charles|k:0812 (10)



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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    C4 CIj BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law. Historical •memoirs reepectin the English, Irish anti Scottish Catholics, from the Reformation to the present time...Second edition. (Additions to the historical memoirs, etc. — The Author..s works [i.e. an account Tthe same) and some of his reminiscences.) 4 vole. Portrait snd folded table. [L. I.) 0 8 . I.ndon, 1819-21. ‘lois. 1 & 2 only are of the second edition.

    Card ID: 336

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    DJOR BUTLER (Charles), Barrister-at-Law. Horá juridic subseoivIè...a...series of notes respecting the geography, chronology and literary history of te principal codes and. origtnal documents of the Grecian, Roman, feudal and canon law...Seoond edition. (Sketch of the professional character of the Earl of Mansfield.) pp. xv. + 238. [L. I.] 8. London, 1807.

    Card ID: 337

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    BUTLER (Charles), Barrister-at-Law. The Life of Erasmus, with historical remarks on the state of literature between the tenth and sixteenth centuries. pp.ix. + 244. 8. London, 1825.

    Card ID: 340

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law. The Life of Hugo Grotius: with brief minutes of the oivij., ecclesiastical, ana. literary history of the Netherlanas. i’p. x. + 259. 8°. London, 1826.

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    BUTLER (Charles), Barrister—at—Law. Memoir of the life of Henry—Francis D’Aguesseau, Chancellor of France, end of his ordonnances for consolidating and amending certain portions of the French law. And an historical and literary account of the Roman and Canon Law. Fourth edition. pp. 207. IDe M.J 8°; London, 1830.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    qc’ BUTLER (Charles), Barzister at L. Some accountof the life andwritings of James Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux. pp. (8) + 180. 8°. Lodn, 182.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law Vindibation of .“Phe Book of the Roman Catholic Church’ against the Reverend George Townsend’s “Accusations of history against the Church of Rome”, with notice some charges brought against “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church” in the publications of Doctor Pbillpotts, the Rev.John Todd, the Rev.Stephen Issaceon, the Re’ Joseph Blanco White and in some anonymous publications...With copies of Doctor Phillpotts’s fourth letter to Mr.Butler, containing a charge against Dr.Lingard, and of a letter of Doctor Lingard to Mr.Butler in reply to the charge. pp. lxxi. + 248. [LI.j 8°. London, 1826.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    BUTLER (Charles), Vicar of Wotton. Charles Butler’s English grammar, 1634. Herausgegebezi von A.Eichler, Halle—on—the—Saale, 1910. See BROTANEK (Rudolf). Neudrucke frahneuenglischer Grammatiken, 4, i.

    Card ID: 353

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    Author: BUTLER (Charles)


    fl/PiLH BUTLER (Charles), Vicar of Wotton. The Principles of musik, in singing and setting: with the two—fold use therof, ocolesiasticallrrnidôiMil. pp. (16) + 135. Diagrams. 4°. Printed by John Haviland, for the author: London, 1636. Negative microfilm.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: PHILLPOTTS (Henry), Bishop of Exeter, See BUTLER (Charles)


    PHILLPOTTS (Henry), Bishop of Exeter, See BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law. Vindication of “The Book of the Roman Ca’holic Church”, against the Reverend George Townsend’s “Accusations of history against the Church of Rome”, with notice of some charges brought against “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church” in the publications of Doctor Phillpotts...With copies of Doctor Phillpotts’s fourth letter to Mr.Butler, containing a charge against Dr.Lingard, etc. Tondon, 1826.

    Card ID: 166