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BUTLER, Charles
CRESPO, Jose Maria, afterwards BIANCO WHITE, Joseph
Author: BUTLER (Charles)
BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law Vindibation of .“Phe Book of the Roman Catholic Church’ against the Reverend George Townsend’s “Accusations of history against the Church of Rome”, with notice some charges brought against “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church” in the publications of Doctor Pbillpotts, the Rev.John Todd, the Rev.Stephen Issaceon, the Re’ Joseph Blanco White and in some anonymous publications...With copies of Doctor Phillpotts’s fourth letter to Mr.Butler, containing a charge against Dr.Lingard, and of a letter of Doctor Lingard to Mr.Butler in reply to the charge. pp. lxxi. + 248. [LI.j 8°. London, 1826.
Card ID: 346
Author: CRESPO (Jose Maria), afterwards BIANCO WHITE (Joseph)
BLANCO Y CRESPO (Jose Maria), afterwards BIANCO WHITE (Joseph). See BUTLER (Charles), Barrister at Law. Vindication of “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church’1, against the Reverend George Pownsencl’s “Accusations of history against the Church of Rome”, with notice of some charges brought againet “The Book of the Roman Catholic Church” in the publications of Doctor Phillpotts, the Rev.John Todd, the Rev. Stephen Isaacson, the Rev.Joseph Blanco White, etc. London, 1826.
Card ID: 175