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BUTCHER Samuel Henry a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (8)
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BUTCHER, Samuel Henry
Author: BUTCHER (Samuel Henry)
LQI fl (_— BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). Harvard Lectures on Greek subjects. pp. viii. + 266. 8°. IoncIoi, 1904.
Card ID: 253
4 BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). Presiöeritial address lof the British AoadeuI delivered...October 27, t909 Card ID: 256
Card ID: 256
LGtt BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). Some aspects of the Greek geni4’s. pp. xii. + 396. 80. London and New York, 1891.
Card ID: 257
L’--J BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). What we owe to Greece: inaugural address delivered at the opening of the Greek class in the University of Edinburgh, 0ctober 31,, 1882. pp. 30. 80 Edinburgh and London, 1882.
Card ID: 258
BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). See C.LD ERWOOD (H.) Speeches delivered at. a meeting held in... Edinburgh, on...F’ebruary 17, 1886, to uphold the legislative union btween Great Britain and Ireland. By Professor Calder wood and Professor Butcher. Dublin and London, 1886.
Card ID: 259
ct:o- BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). DEMOSTHENES. [Works. — Greek.) Demosthenis Orationes. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instru.xit S.H.Butcher. (Vol. 2, pnrt 2; Vol. 3. Recognovit W.Renrije.) oxford, [1903—31 1. L1 XFL [A reprint.) Oxford, 1949—53.
Card ID: 260
BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). See HOMER. Wdyssey- lish.) The Odyssey of Homer. Done int,o En1ish prose by S.H.Butoher, etc. Londoxi 1922.
Card ID: 262
BUTCHER (Samuel Henry). Sec LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Sooleties, etc.jRoyal Society of Literature .cadernic Committee. lnauguril address.By the Viscount Haldane of Cloan. Eulogy on SH. Butcher. By C. Murray. London, 1911.
Card ID: 263