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BURT r CyrIl Lodowic a (r,) (2)



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    Author: BURT (r CyrIl Lodowic)


    l\)L BURRoR'>RRoR'>RT (R CyRIl Lodowic). The BackwaRd child. (The Sub-NoRmal School-ChIlth Vol.2.) pp. xx. + 69+. Plates. djaRains and tables. 8°. London, 1937. 47JvL ThiRd editIon. pp. xx. + 7O. Plates, diagRams and tables. 8 . London, 1950. [SEE N.EXT CARRoR'>RRoR'>RD. .j

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: BURT ( Cyril Lodowic)


    a BURRoR'>RRoR'>RT ( CyRil Lodowic). Mental and scholastic tests...With a pReface by SiR RRoR'>RRoR'>R. BlaiR Land a bibliogRaphyj. Second edition. pp. xxi. + k,65. IllustRations, diagRams, chaRts and tables. 8°. London, 19)+7. [.notheR Copy.] — • FouRth edition. pp. xxx. + 551. IllustRations. diagRams, chaRts and tables. 8°. London, 1962.

    Card ID: 156