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BURNS Robert a:j john|k:to (john) (65)



  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    BURNS (Robert), the Poet. Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order: Works. Smaller Collections. Letters and Journals. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Miscellaneous. Single Poems. Extracts. Ap e ndix.

    Card ID: 293

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    f : BURNS (Robert), the Poet. IWorks.] The Works of Robert Burns; with his life, by A. Cunningham. 8 vols. Portrait, plates and facsimile. 8°. London, 1834. With a second, engraved titlepage to each volume.

    Card ID: 297

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    (k%kLi) i 3wLJ BURNS (Robert), the oe [Works.] The Complete works of Robert Burns, containing his poems, songs and correspondence. Illustrated by W.H.Bartlett, T.Allom and other artists. With a new life of the poet and notices, critical and biographical, by A.Cunningham. pp. lxi. + 422 + (14). Portraits and plates. 0 8 . London, t1842]. With a second1 enved, ttJ.epage. An engraved portrait of the edi” en tipedinfacin the title-page.

    Card ID: 298

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    • YL3H BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Smaller ‘oiiections.1 The Poetical works, etc. See PARK (Thouas), F.S.A. The Wthks of the British poets, etc. Vol. 42. Londor, 1815.

    Card ID: 302

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    ( BURNS (Robert) , the Poet. [Smaller Collections.] The Poetical works of R. Burns, including several pieces not inserted in Dr. Currie’s edition...preceded by a life of the author, and. a comiflete glossary. 2 ro1s. Portrait and frontispiece. LC.C.3 16°. London, 1819.

    Card ID: 303

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Smaller Collections.] The Poetical works of R. Burns, carefully collated, wit,h original explanatory notes. (Dove’s English Classics.) pp.(2) .+ xvi. + 428. Frontispieöe. 1.C.j - 12g. London, 1826. With a second, engraved title—page.

    Card ID: 305

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Sualler Collections.] The Poetical works...Edited by R. A. Willmott. Illustrated by J. Gilbert. New edition. (Routledge’s British Poets.) pp. lxiii. +47g. 8°. London, i866.

    Card ID: 306

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    j BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Smaller Collections.) Burns holograph manuscripts in the Kilmarnock Monument Museum. With notes. Compiled and edited by D. Sneddon. pp. viii. + 147. 8°. Kilmarnock printed, 1889.

    Card ID: 307

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Smaller Collections.] The Poetical works of Robert Burns. Reprinted from the best editions, with explanatory glossary, notes, memoir, etc. Portrait and original illustrations. (The “Lansdowne” Poets., pp. xxvi. + 6lL. 8°. London and Wew York, 1890.

    Card ID: 308

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    O” i) S BURNS (Robert), e Poet. .ESrnaller Co11ecions.i The Lyric poeuis...Edited by E. Rhys. (the Lyric Pos.) pp. xxiv. + 243. Portrait. i6°. London, [1895.]

    Card ID: 310

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [Smaller Collections.. The Poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by YI. B. Henley and T.F.Henderson. With etchings by W. Hole. (The Centenary Burns.) 4 vols. Portraits and facsimiles. 8°. Edinburgh, 1896—97.

    Card ID: 312

  • card

    Author: BURNS (Robert)


    s)?-- L’-’-’ BURNS (Robert) , thePoet. [Smaller Colictions.j The Songs of Robert Burns now first printed with the melodies for which they were written: a study in tone—poetry. With rbjbliography, historical notes, and glossary-by JC. Dick. pp. xliii. + 556. Plates. 80. London, 1903.

    Card ID: 315