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BURN Robert a:burn robert|k:on (robert) (4)
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BURN, Robert
BURN, Robert Scott
BURN, Robert Scot,t
BURN, Robert scott
Author: BURN (Robert)
b EPcYSITQR Y BURN (Robert), Fe11.oi and Thtor of Trinity Coi1ge, çabride. Old Rome: a haxidbook to the ruins of the city and the Campagna. pp. xii. + 26. Laps and illustrations. IL.I.) 0 .8 • London and Cambridge, 1880.
Card ID: 471
Author: BURN (Robert Scott)
C \9 BURN (Robert Scott). Trie Illustratea drawing—book...Fourth edition, revised. pp. lL.3. 8°. London, 1856.
Card ID: 472
Author: BURN (Robert Scot,t)
i i, BURN (Robert Scot,t). Mechanics and mechanism: being elementary lessons and examples for the use of schools, students, and artisans...Second edition. pp. viii. + 113. Illustrations, diajrams and table.. [G.G-.J 8°. London, 1854.
Card ID: 473
Author: BURN (Robert scott)
DPQsIrok BURN (Robert scott). Outlines of moö.ern frming...Vo1.1. Soils, manures and crops. Sixth edition, with i12ustration. (Vleale’s Rudimentary Series. 140.) pp. yji. + 22’?. 12g. London, 1886.
Card ID: 474