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BURN Richard a:p •|k:p (will) (3)



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    Author: BURN (Richard)


    7,_T v1- BURN (Richard) ____ The Justice of the Peace and Parish Offioër...Continued to the present time bLy-J. Burn. The nineteenth edition, oorrected and.. . enlarged. 4 VO1S 8°. Lcindon, 1800. ____ H .1 - The twenty-ninth edition, cor±eoted afl greatly enlarged, containing the cases and statutes to 7& 8 Viot., inclusive, with a nevi collection of precedents. The title “poor” by Nr...Bere; the rest of the work by P. C vols. [D.—L.L.J °. i84. LSEic1zw cA.RD,)

    Card ID: 464

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    Author: BURN (Richard)


    4,Z d\s\v%)O(, ___ (Q4 O BURN (Richard), Lt14D. See CtfliB&LAflD. Cumberlaud and Westinorland Antiquarian and Archaeological SOciety. Extra Series. 1’?. Index to Nicolson and Burn’s History and Antiquities of the counties of Ylestmorland and Cuinberland, etc. Kendal printed, l94.

    Card ID: 467

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    Author: WICOLSON (Joseph) and BURN (Richard)


    CD - - WICOLSON (Joseph) and BURN (Richard). The History and antiquities of the counties of Westmor].and and Cuznberland. 2 vole. Folded maps. London, 1777.

    Card ID: 129