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BURKE j John Bernard a:j john|k:0626 (3)



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    Author: BURKE (j John Bernard)


    BURKE (J John Bernard). See BURKE (J.) GenealogJst and BURKE (1z J.B.) A General armory of Figland, Scotland, and Ireland. London., 1842.

    Card ID: 218

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    Author: BURKE (John), LeI1ealogit and BURKE (j John Bernard)


    BURKE (John), LeI1ealogit and BURKE (J John Bernard). A Genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. Continuod.J reading “The xtinct & dormant baronetcJes pf iand 1t, anJbearin date 1

    Card ID: 202

  • card

    Author: BURKE (Jo1u), Qenealoist and BURKE (j John Bernard)


    BURKE (Jo1u), Qenealoist and BURKE (J John Bernard). A Genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. (Second edition.) pp. (85 ÷ 603 + (1). Port’at and illustrtions. 8°. London, 1841. BJ -, —— fA reprint.] pp. (8) + 603 + (1). PortraJtand illustraUJ. {S.R.] 8°. Lndon, 1844. Witha seiuJJ Jitiographed t1tJ—pag, £sE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 201