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BURKE Sir John Bernard a:de john|k:to (john) (7)
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BURKE, Sir John Bernard
Author: BURKE (Sir John Bernard)
, LAc ci- ) BURKE (Sir John Bernard). A Genealogical history of the dorm8nt, abeyant, Lorfeited and extinct peerages of the British Empire...New edition. pp. x. ÷ 636. plates. 8°. London, 1866. (Another edition.] pp. ix. + 642. plates. 8°. London, 1883.
Card ID: 207
LZ BURKE (Sir John Bernard). A Genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland...Sixth edition, with supplement. 2 vols. 8°. I,oidon, 1882./ — [Sixteenth edition.] Including American families with British ancestry.. .Yiith. . .plates. pp. xviii. + 3022. Illustrations. 8°. London, 1939. (Seventeenth edition.) Edited by L.G.ine. pp. clxxviii. + 28’IQ. Plates and illustrations. . London, 1952. [SEE NEXT CARD, I
Card ID: 209
L8Mv Bur BURKE (Sir John Bernard). Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Ireland... Edited by L.G.Pine. 4th edition. pp. xxxvi. + 778. 0 4 . Lon$xi, 1955.
Card ID: 210
DEPOSITORY BURKE (Sir John Bernard). Reminiscences ancestral, anecdotal and historic: a remödeiled and revised edition of “The rise of great families and other essays.” pp. iv. + 3d0. 0 8 . London, [1882].
Card ID: 214
DE POSI TO RI • BURKE (Sir John Bernard). The Rise of great families, other essay’s, and stories. pp. iv. + 371. Illustrations. • 8°. London, 1873.[721.
Card ID: 215
BURKE (Sir John Bernard). See BURKE (J.), Genealogist, and ( J. B.) Heraldic illustrations, comprising the armorial bearings of the principal families of the Empire, etc. London, 1844-46.
Card ID: 219
BURKE (Sir John Bernard). j The Patrician. [Vols.1—4] edited by J.Burke. [Vols.5—6 edited by J.B. Burke.] London, 1846—48.
Card ID: 220