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BUONARROTI Michael Angelo angelo (michael) (7)
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BUONARROTI, Michael Angelo
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BLACK, Charles Christopher
Author: BUONARROTI (Michael Angelo)
BUONARROTI (Michael Angelo), the Artist. CRime.— Selections.) The Sonnets of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Translated into English verse by S.E. Hall. To which is prefixed a Life of !4ichelangelo Buonarroti translated by the same from the Italian of A. Condivi. pp. 173. 8. London, 1905.
Card ID: 14
Author: No Author available
BUOLtUROTI (Miche]. fige1o the CAflINA (L..) Illustr&tions, arohiteotur1 and piotor— is.]., of the genius of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, etc. tondon, 1857.
Card ID: 20
BUONARROTI (Mice1. Angelo), the Artis. See FAIR11OtL (F. W.) Homes, haunts and works of Rubons... Michael Anie1o, eto. London, 1871.
Card ID: 26
OIJ4LIDA (?ranoisoo d.’). Three dia1oues on painting, etc. KOROYD (0.) Michael Angelo Buonarroti,tc. pp. 229—279. 1ondon and Tew York, [1911.]
Card ID: 466
Author: BLACK (Charles Christopher)
‘( BLACK (Charles Christopher). Michael Angelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter, architect: the story of his life and labouz. [With a bibliography.j pp. xiv. + (2) + 262. Portrait, photogra.s and;flUstrat ion. .D .—LL. 0 8 . London, 1875.
Card ID: 142
2.j LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas. A Catalogue of...original drawings by Michael Angelo, collected by Sir T. Lawrence, etc. twith a brief biograph.y of M.A. Buonarroti.] (Th Lawrence Gallery. Tenth Exhibition, July l83b pp. 30. Facsimile of the Artist’s handwriting. [0.0.) 5°. Lona.on], 1836.
Card ID: 126
‘(•.‘, t %4’.Q CANINA (]iuigi). S%c Th Illustrations, architectural and pictorial, of the genius of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. dith descriptions of the plates by the Conmiendatore C anina C .R .Cocl:erell, and John S. Harford, etc. 3ditod by J. S. Harford.] pp.viii. ÷ 12 ÷ 19 plates. [IL.I.J fol. London. 1857. The plates (which contain chiefly examples from the artist’s work in Rome) in6lu8.e three portraits of Lliphael glo. ojle by Bonsone. another from th bust by Giovanni di Bo1oa, and. the third from the medal by Leone IeonJ.
Card ID: 321