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BULLOCK Frederick William Bagahawe (2)



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    Author: BULLOCK (Frederick William Bagahawe)


    R BULLOCK (Frederick William Bagahawe). Evangelical conversion in Great Britain, 1696—1845. pp. xi. + 287. 80. St. Leonards on Sea, 1959.

    Card ID: 456

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    Author: BULLOCK (Frederick William Bagahawe)


    PSAQ Bul BULLOCK (Frederick William Bagahawe). A History of training for the ministry of the Church of gland and Wales, from 1875 to l971. With an appendix of notes on training for the ministry of the Anglican Commission in Ireland and Sootland from 1875 to 19Th. and an addenda to a History of training for the ministry from 598 to 1799 and from i8oo to 1871. pp. xxvi, 177. London, 1976.

    Card ID: 460