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BULL George george (george) (17)



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    Author: BULL (George)


    BULL (George), Bisboi of St. David’s. A Vindication of the Church of England from the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome...Written at the request of the Countos of Newbrub, in answer to a celebrated Roman Catholick treatise intitled “The atho1ick Seripturist” (by J.Murnford). Published.. .by. . .R.Bull. pp. (lti) +240. 8°. London, 1719.

    Card ID: 220

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    Author: BULL (George Stringer)


    Ei• BULL (George Stringer). See GILL (John C.) Parson Bull of Byerley. London, 1963.

    Card ID: 224

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    Author: BULL (George)


    - BULL (George), Bishop of St.David’s. Defensio fidei Nica’ènCe: a defence of the Nicene Creed out of the extant writings of the catholick doctors who flourished during the three first centuries of the Christian Church, in which also is incidentally vindicated the creed of Constantinople concernIng the Holy Ghost...A new translation [from the Latin). (Library of An—Catholic Theology.) 2 vols. 8°. Oxfor4, 1851—52. The pagination is continuous throyp. wperfect; wanting vol.3: “The Juqent of the Catholic Church on Wenecessy of believin€ that...Jesus( very God, etc.” 1d55.

    Card ID: 219

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    Author: BULL (George), Journalist and VICE (Anthony)


    A3 — BULL (George), Journalist and VICE (Anthony). Bid for power. (Second, revised edition.) pp. 240. Portraits. 8°. London, 1958.

    Card ID: 222

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    Author: BULL (Robert)


    BULL (Robert). BULL (George), Bish.i of St. Davicrs. A Vindication of the Church of .ng1and from the errors azd corruptions of the Church of Ronie...i)ritten at the request of the Countess of 1ewbrugh, in answer to ce1ebrted Roman Catholick treatise intitled “The Catbolick Scripturist” (by J.l!iuinford). Published.. .by... R.Bull. London, i’719.

    Card ID: 235

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    Author: SHW (George Bernard)


    SHW (George Bernard). Major Barb.ra. See supra: John Bull’s other island, etc. London, 1.930.

    Card ID: 120

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    Author: COWAN (George)


    YMb7 Boo COWAN (George), the Younger. John Bull; or, the Englishman’s fireside. A comedy in five acts. See BOcY.PH (Michael Richard). The Magistrate and other nineteenth century plays. Edited by Michael It Booth. pp. 3-8b. London, 1974.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: REYNOLDS (George Fullmer)


    YG6 Rey REYNOLDS (George Fullmer). ‘he Staging of Elizabethan plays at the Red Bull theater, 1605—1625...Reprinted. New York and London, 1940 [196b]. See U1ITED STATES OF A!IERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Modern Language Association of Anerioa. Pub1ications.J General series, 9.

    Card ID: 441

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    L$L3t1_ — LIi1G LI8RARY FEICE ONLY SHAW (George Bernard). tSiler Collections.] John Bull’s other island and Major Barbara: also How he lied to her husband. pp. lxi. +293. 8°. London, 1907. S.L.C., II. 517. —[Another issue.] pp.lxi. ÷ 293. 8° Author for the Tirns Book Club: [London,] 1907.

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    2 SHAW (George Bernard). ap The Works of Bernard Shaw. JCONTINUED.] 7. Plays pleasrnit and unpleasant. 1. Unpleasant plays — Widower’s Houses. The Philanderer. Mrs. Warren’s profession. 8. Plays pleasant and unpleasant. 2. Pleasant plays Arms and the man. Candida. The M of destiny. You never can tell. 9. Three plays for puritans: The Devil’s disciple. Caesar and Cleopatra. Captain Brassbound’s conversion. 10. Man and superman. 11. John Bull’s other island. How he lied to.. her husband. Major Barbara. 12. The Doctor’s dilemma. Gettingmarried. The Shewing—up of BlancoPosnet. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 60

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    Author: VICE (Anthony)


    TTF VICE (Anthony). See BULL (George), Journalist and VICE (Anthony) Bid for power. London, 1958.

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    Author: No Author available


    2.b.29 For reference only JLL (George), rans1ator. See WCCHIAVEILI (Nicco1). I1 Priucipe. -Eilish.) The Prince. Translated ama. with an introduction by George Bull including the Prelude by Benito Mussolini. (Second impression.) London, 1970 f 1972].

    Card ID: 223