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BUDGE sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis a:an ernest|k:will (ernest) (33)



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    Author: BUDGE ( Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE ( Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See ME’AERATH GAZZE. The Book of the Cave of Treasures... translated from the Syriac text... by Sir E.A.W.Budge, q. London, 1927.

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: BUDGE (sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See BARLAAM, Saint, of fndia. [The Legend of Barlaam and osaphat. — Pdlyglott.J Baralam and Ywsèf...An Fnglish translation and introduction, etc., by Sir E. .. W. Budge, etc. Camridge, 1923.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). — See LEFAFA SEDEK. The Bandlet oi righteousness, sn .Ethiopian Book o the Dead...Edited, with an En1ish translation by Sir E.A.Wallis Budge, etc. London, 1929.

    Card ID: 129

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See BOOK. [Book of medicines.1 Syrian anatomy, pathology, and therapeutics; or, “the.Book of medicines”. The Syriac text, edited. . .with an English translation, etc. by E.A.W.. Budge, etc. London, 1913.

    Card ID: 125

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). The Babylonian story of the Deluge and the Epic o Gilgamis, with an account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh. [By Sir E. A. Wallis Budge.] CLondon], 1920. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. Department o Egytian Assyrian tiai.dties.

    Card ID: 73

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest, Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest, Alfred Thompson Wallis). By Nile and Tigris: a narra.t.ive or ,journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the year 1886 and 1913...With... illustrations. 2 vols. 8. London 1920.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    0 BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). Egyptian ideas of the future life...With ...illustrations. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea. Vol. 1.) pp. xii. + 198. [R.M..L.) 8°. London, 1899.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    / EPOS1TRy BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). A Short history of the Egyptian people, with chapters on their religion, daily life, etc. pp. xi. + 280. Plates and illustrations. [R.M.L. - 8°.Londori, 1914.

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See KEBRA NAGAST. The Queen of Sheba and her only son, Menyelek (I): being theBook of the glory of kings’ (Kebra Nagast)... Translated from the Ethiopic by Sir E.A.Wai]is Budge, etc London, 1932.

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    - / BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). • MABYON. The Lives of ab.? Syn and Gabra Krst8s. The Ethiopia texts. edited with an English translation and a chapter on the illustrations of Ethiopia MSS., by LA.Wallis Budge, etc. London, printed for private circulation, 1898.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    Dc BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See APOSTLES. [Apocrypha.-Aots.J - The Contendings of the apostles: being the histories of the lives and martyrdoms arid deaths of the twelve apostles and evangelists. Translated from the Ethiopic manuscripts in the British Museum by Sir E.A.W.Budge. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 121

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See BAKHAILA-MTKA’L. The Book of the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, and other works of Bakhayla M1k.’è1 Sir ELA.W.Bidge, etc. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 123