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BUDGE Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis a:budge sir ernest, alfred thompson wallis|k:0135 (19)



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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). An øcóunt of the iomn antiquities preserved in the museum at Chesters, Northumberland, to which is added a series of chapters describing the eoavations made by. ..J. Clayton at Cj].ur1’n2m, Procolitia, Borcovicue, and other sites on the Roman Wall [and chapters on the occupation of Britain by the Romans, and the Roman fortifications in Northujnbria). Vlith...illustrations and a sketch map of the Roman Wall. Second edition. revised. pp. xvi. ÷ 432. Portrait. [P.M.L.) 89 London, 190’!.

    Card ID: 70

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). The Babylonian story of the Deluge and the Epic o Gilgamis, with an account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh. [By Sir E. A. Wallis Budge.] CLondon], 1920. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. Department o Egytian Assyrian tiai.dties.

    Card ID: 73

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    [4 BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). The Book of Paradise, [CONTINUEDJ —The Wit and wisdom of’ the Christian Fatiers of Egypt: the Syrian version of the Apophthegmata Patru by ‘1nafi Ish8 of Beth ‘Abhê, translated by Sir E.A.Wallis Budge. LAn enlarged edition of the translations in the second portion of the “Book of Paradise”.] pp. vii. + (2) ÷ 445 + (1). Facsimile.’ 8°. London, 194.

    Card ID: 77

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest, Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest, Alfred Thompson Wallis). By Nile and Tigris: a narra.t.ive or ,journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the year 1886 and 1913...With... illustrations. 2 vols. 8. London 1920.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    0 BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). Egyptian ideas of the future life...With ...illustrations. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea. Vol. 1.) pp. xii. + 198. [R.M..L.) 8°. London, 1899.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    LNF guc1 BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). Egyptian magic.. .With.. .illustrations. (Books on Egypt and_Qhaldea. Vol. 2.) pp. xv. + 234. [R.M.L.} 8°. Lon, 1899. —Third impression. pp. xv. + 234. 8°. London, [c. 1900]. [Another copy]

    Card ID: 91

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    col I’ BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). A History of Egypt from the end of the Neolithic Period to the death of Cleopatra VII. B.C.30. (Books on Egypt and Chaldaea. Vols. 9— 16.) 8 vols. Plates ill st,2’atjonsefld folded . (R.M.L.] . Lon4on, 1902. 1. Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods. 2. Egypt under the Great Pyramid builders. 3. Egypt under the Arnenengts and Hyksos. 4. Egypt and her Asiatic empire. . Egypt under Rameses the Great. - €. Egypt under the priest—kings, Tanites, and Nubians. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 98

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). One hundred and ten miracles of our Lady Mary. Translated from Ethiopia manuscripts for the-most part in the British Museum, with extracts from some arcient European versions, and illustrations from the painting in manuscripts by Ethiopian artists, by Sir £.A.iia11is Budge. With...plates. pp. lvii. 4 (3) k 35 4 (i). 0 - 8 , Lonaon, I933.

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    / EPOS1TRy BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). A Short history of the Egyptian people, with chapters on their religion, daily life, etc. pp. xi. + 280. Plates and illustrations. [R.M.L. - 8°.Londori, 1914.

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    Dc BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See APOSTLES. [Apocrypha.-Aots.J - The Contendings of the apostles: being the histories of the lives and martyrdoms arid deaths of the twelve apostles and evangelists. Translated from the Ethiopic manuscripts in the British Museum by Sir E.A.W.Budge. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 121

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    Author: BUDGE (sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See BARLAAM, Saint, of fndia. [The Legend of Barlaam and osaphat. — Pdlyglott.J Baralam and Ywsèf...An Fnglish translation and introduction, etc., by Sir E. .. W. Budge, etc. Camridge, 1923.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis)


    BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis). See BAKHAILA-MTKA’L. The Book of the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, and other works of Bakhayla M1k.’è1 Sir ELA.W.Bidge, etc. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 123