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BUDGE Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wailis a:s alfred|k:s (alfred) (2)
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BUDGE, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wailis
Author: BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wailis)
I I BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wailis). A History of Egypt, etc. [Continued.] 7. Egypt under the Saites, Persians, and Ptolemie S. 8. Egypt under the Ptoleniies and Cleopatra VII.
Card ID: 99
BUDGE (Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wailis). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, — etc.) Britiah Museum..- Department of yptian Aesyrian Antiuit1es. -— Facsimile of the Rhind mathematical papyrus in the British Musei.ü. [With a preface by Sir E.A.T.W. Budge1] London, 1898.
Card ID: 139