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BUCKLER William Hepburn a:littmann enno|k:littmann (enno) (2)
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BUCKLER, William Hepburn
Author: BUCKLER (William Hepburn)
BUCKLER (William Hepburn). A Collection of the texts in Lydian script found at Sardis and elsewhere. With contributions by A.E. Cowley, B. Iiaussoullier, A.H. Sayce [and] A.H. Smith. Leyden, 1924. LITTMANN (Enno). Lydian inscriptions. Part II.
Card ID: 304
* BUCKLER (William Hepburn). See IrEW YORK. American Society- for Arehaeolocnl Reséarch”in Asia Minor. [Publiaations. j 6. Monumenta Asiae Minoris antiqua. Vol. 6. Monuments and documents from Phrygia and Qaria, Edited by LH.Euckler, etc. Manchester, 1939.
Card ID: 306