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BRYDGES, Sir Samuel Egerton
Author: BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton)
Ci2 BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), Bart. i. Archaica; containing a. reprint of scarce old. flnglish prose tracts1 with prefaces, critical and biographical, etc. 2 vole. [L.P.J 4. London, 1815. CONTEIITS:- Vol. 1, Philomela, Arcadia, By’ H. Greene; The Triumphs over death. By H. Southwell; Characters, The Good and the bad. By N. Breton; Christ’s tears -over Jerusalem. By T. Nash. Vol. 2, Four letters and sonnets touching R. Greene, Pierce’s supererogation, New letter of notable contents. By G. Harvey; Essays ‘upon the five senses, By H. Brathwait. Each work has a separate titleDage and pajzinat ion.
Card ID: 11
YM BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), hart. - The British bibliographer. B Sir Edges (Vol. 4, By Sir LBrydg.e an J.Há.siewood.) 4 vols. Portraits. 0 8 . London, 1810—14. Vol. consists of reprints of “A Huiidretgood pintes of husbandrjjr by T.Tusser, “The Paradise of dainty dev i. ce s “, bR.E1wards and others, and “England’s Helicon”, each with asete titlepag, and pagination. Vol. 4 contains “The Mirour for rna_gistrate&’ part I. by J.Higgins. This has a separate titiçpge and pagination from the rest of the volume.
Card ID: 13
-I BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), Bart. X,etters on the character and poetical genius of Lord Byron. pp. ‘vii. + 457. 8. London, 1824.
Card ID: 16
i- (xic) [-jç fZcw 4’(t’ BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), Bart. Select poems...With a preface. pp. 6 + 40. Portrait and illustrations. 40• Lee Priory rKent], 1814. One of an edition limited to 100 copies.
Card ID: 19
-: BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton), Bart. See MILTON (John). [Poetioal Vlorks.] The Poetical works of John Milton. Edited by Sir !. Brydges, etc. London, 1859.
Card ID: 29