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BRUGSCH Heinrich (7)



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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    c S’o (&- BRUGSCH (Heinrich). Die Aegyptologie: Abrlss der Entzifferungen tind Forschungen auf dein Gebiete der aegyp— tiscben Schrift, Sprache und Alt erthumskunde. pp. viii. + 535. ER.M.L.) 0 8 . Leipzig, 1891.

    Card ID: 309

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    BRUGSCH (Heinrich). Egypt under the Pharaohs, etc. See infra: A History of Egpt under the Pharaobs.

    Card ID: 311

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    E1i BRUGSCH (Heinrich). Geographieche Inschriften a1t.gyptischer Dexikrn 1er...Er1utert imd herausgegeben von H. Brugsch. 3 vole, in 2 Plates. LIJ.I.] 4. Leipzig, 1857—60. 1. Die Geographie des alten Agyptens. 2. Die Geographie der aehbarlnder Agyptens. 3. Die Oeogre.phio der Agypter nacli den Den3c- rnàlern as en Zeiteri der to1emier und Rt5mer.

    Card ID: 312

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    BRUGSCH (Heinrich). A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, derived entirely from the monuments.. .Translated. from the German by. H.D.Seynour. Completed and edited by P.Smith. To which is added a lAlelnoir on the Exodus of the Israelites and the Egyptian monuments, etc. 2 vols. Frontispieces, illustration, tables and folded maps. IPJLL.] 8°. Londcrn, 1879. I tc1 Second edition, with a new prefae, additions and original notes by the authors, etc 2 vols. Illustrationsp1ans, tables and — folded maps. D.—t.L.j 8°. Londofl, 188i.\ i.’v

    Card ID: 315

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    DEPOSITORY BRUGSCH (Heinrich). A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, etc. [Continued. I (A new edition, condensed and thoroughly revised by 1.hBrodrick.) Egypt under the Pharaobs: a history derived entirely from the monuments...Vith maps, plans and illustrations. pp. xxviii. + 469. Tables. 8°. London, 1891.

    Card ID: 316

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    C 5o ‘ - BRUGSCH (Heinrich). Recuell de,monum&its gyptiens, dessins sur lieux et pul4ies...par H. Brugach (et J. Duemichen). Parts 2—4, in 4 vols. Plates. 40• Leipzig, ‘1863—66. Imperfect; wanting Part 1. - ,. Recueil de moriumeniê.ypt1iens. . .pub1is. . .par H. Brugsch. 3—4. Geographische Inschriften ait.gyptiseher Denkni.1er in den Jahren 1863—6 an ort. und St.elle geswnmelt und. er1.utert von J. Duemiohen. (Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend die im Tempel von Edfu aufgefunden Reoepte

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: BRUGSCH (Heinrich)


    BRUGSCH (Heinrich). See GLADISCH (Ai Empedokies und die Aegypter...Mit Erithiterungen den aegyptischen Derikm.1ern von. • H. Brugsch, etc. Leipzig, 188.

    Card ID: 320