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BRUEYS David Augustin de it (david) (6)
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BRUEYS, David Augustin de
BRUEYS, David Augustin de and PALILPRAT, Jean
JEYS, David Augustin de
SEDLEY, Sir Charles
WOOD, Alice Ida Perry
Author: BRUEYS (David Augustin de)
BRUEYS (David Augustin de). See BALTI)JORE. Johns Hopk a University. The Johns Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and languages. Vol. L].. JOIJRDAN (Adrien). Adrien Jourdan’s Susanna, 1653: a critical edition of the Latin text, with a study of the play and its influence on Brueys’s Gabinie, 1699, by Sister L.M. Coffey, etc. Baltimore, l9Li2.
Card ID: 167
Author: BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALILPRAT (Jean)
BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALILPRAT (Jean), Sieur de Bigot. LLe Grondeur.— English.) The Grumbler: an adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith [of Sir Charles Sedley’s translation]. With introduction and. notei by A.I.P.Wood. (Huntington Library Publications.) pp. xx. + 33. Portrait rac simile. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Card ID: 184
Author: JEYS (David Augustin de)
( BRiJEYS (David Augustin de). BALTIMORE. Johns Hopkins Universy. The Johns Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and languages. Vol. 41. JOURDAN (Adrien). Adrien Jourdan’s Susanna, 1653: a critical edition of the Latin text, with a study ot the play and its influence on Brueys’s Gabinie, 1699, by Sister L.M. Doffey, etc Baltimore, 19Li.2.
Card ID: 182
Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)
Cf( GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Works edited or translated by Goldsmith.—The Grumbler.] The Grumbler: an adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith [of Sir Charles Sedley’s translationJ. With introduction ad notes? by A.I.P. Wood. Cbridgei Mass, 1931. See BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and FALAPRAT (Jean), Sieur de 3iot. [Le Grondeur.- Eng]Jsh.
Card ID: 247
Author: SEDLEY (Sir Charles)
‘YL G7M SEDLEY (Sir Charles) Bart. See BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALA.PRAT (Jean), Sieur de Bigot. [Le Grondeur —glish. J The Grumbler: sn adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith [of Sir Charles Sedley’s translation), eto. Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Card ID: 120
Author: WOOD (Alice Ida Perry)
YL c7M WOOD (Alice Ida Perry). ee BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALAI’RAT (Jean), Sieiir cle Bigot. [Le Grondeur.— Enlish.J - The Grumbler: an adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith for Sir Charles Sedley’s translationJ. With introduction and notes by A.IP. Wood. Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Card ID: 211