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BRUCE Frederick Fyvie bruce (frederick fyvie) (7)
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BRUCE, Frederick Fyvie
UCE, Frederick Fyvie end RUPP, Ernest Gordon
No Author available
Author: BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie)
BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). History of the Bible in English, from the earliest versions. See supra: The English Bible: a history of translations.
Card ID: 278
P03 Bru BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). Tradition old and new. pp. 184. Exeter, 1970.
Card ID: 281
7 Hoc BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). HOOKE (Samuel Henry). [Appendix.) Promise and fulfilment: essays presented to S.R.Hooke in celebration of his ninetieth birthday...Edited by F.F. Bruce. Edinburgh, 1963.
Card ID: 283
W4 BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). Phe }nglish Bible: a history of translations. pp. xiv. + 233. Plates and facsimileo. 8°. london, 1961. (Wew and revised edition.) pp. 262. Plates and facaims. SLe. London, 1970. (Third edition.) History of the Bible in En1jsh1 from the earliest versions. pp., 274. New York, 1978. 3 PM1,...
Card ID: 276
Author: UCE (Frederick Fyvie) end RUPP (Ernest Gordon)
PAW Bru UCE (Frederick Fyvie) end RUPP (Ernest Gordon). Holy Book and holy tradition: International coflouium held in the Faculty of Theology, University of t’bnchester. Edited by F.F. Bruce and E.G.Rupp. pp.viii, 214. Plates and illustrations. 8°. >bnches ter, 1968.
Card ID: 284
Author: No Author available
N ‘1+o’1’OJ BIBLE. Appendix. English. See BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). The English Bible: a history of translations. London, 1961. (New and revised edition.) London, 19?O. fl4, — ••) 4c1o
Card ID: 41
PMO 11 Bru GASJE (w. Ward) and MARTT (Ralph Philip). Apostolic history and the gospel: Biblical and historical essays Iresented to P.F. Bruce on his 60th birthday. £ited by W.W. Gasque and R.P. Martin. (Select bibliograpby of F.F. Bruce.) Exeter, 1970. See BRUCE (Frederick Fyvie). [Appendix.]
Card ID: 563