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BROWNE, Sir Thomas
Author: BROWNE (Sir Thomas)
hCD QOO BROWNE (Sir Thomas). [Two or More Works.1 Religio medici. To which is added, gydriotapha; or, Urn—burial: a discourse on sepulchral urns.. .With a preliminary discourse and notes, by J.A.St.John. [With Sir Kenelm Digby’s ?tObservatiôns?r.j he 1iasteroieces of Engish Prose Literature. Vol. VI.) pp. 266. 80. London, 1838.
Card ID: 334
fl: B83E 972 BROWNE (Sir Thomas). [Two or More Works.] Reiigio MedIci, H.ydriotaphia, and The Garden of Cyrus. Edited by R.H.A. Robbins. (Oxford Paperback Englisb Texts.) pp. 202. Port. Oxford, 1972.
Card ID: 337
BACON OCIBTY FEk BROWNE (Sir Thomas) [Christian Morals.) Christian- morals.. .Published from the original and correct manuscriDt of the author by J.Jeffery. pp. (12) + 12. 12°. Cambridge, 1716. The b1an1 leaf and the ha1f—tit,1e, which shou3d - precede the titlepage have becnnd after the preface.
Card ID: 339
oti BROWNE (Sir Thomas).. [Pseudodoxia • Epideca] Pseudodoxia epidemica; or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly pi’esuaued truths. p. (20) + 386. fol. London, 1646.
Card ID: 352
BROWNE (Sir Thomas), [Religio Medici.] Une Version primitive de Re].igio medici... Texte inédit de la copie manuscripte, au College de Pembroke, Oxford. Publi par J.—J.Denonain, . (Pub1icaons d la Facult4 des Letties dTAlger, 3.)pp. 107. Facsimiles. 8. [Paris), 1958.
Card ID: 368
1I BROWNE (Sir Thomas). [Appendix.] See DENQNAIN (Jean J.) La Personna1jt de Sir Thomas Browne: essal d’application de la caractérologie a la critique et 1’histoire litt4raires. Paris, 1959.
Card ID: 375