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BROWNE Henry a:on john henry|k:to (john) (3)



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    Author: BROWNE (Henry)


    BROWNE (Henry), Prebenary of Chiehester. AUGUSTINE, Saint, BshojofHi. ITwo or more works. — English.] Homilies on the gospel of John...Honiilies on the first epistle of John. (Translated by H.Browne, Grand Rapids, 1!ioh. reprintdJ, fg6.

    Card ID: 255

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    Author: BOWNE (Henry)


    PNDO J65G1 851 BOWNE (Henry), Prebend±y- of Chichester. See John, Chrysos torn, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. [Bomilles. On parts of the Bible. - Acts. — English.] The Homilies of S.John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the Acts of the Apostles. rans1ated, vith notes and indices [by J .WaLker, J. Sheppard and H • Browne J. 80. Oxford and Lt,ndon, 1851-52.

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, [Continued.] 28—29. Correspondence with William Mason. Edited by W.S.Le’jjg, G.Cronin and C.H.Bennett. 1955. 30. Correspondence with George Selwyn, Lord Lincoln, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Henry Pox, Richard Edgoumbe. Edited by W.S. Lewis and RA. Snith. 1961. 31. Correspondence with Hannah More, Lady Browne, Lady Mary Coke, Lady Hervey, Lady George Lennox, Arnie Pitt, Lady Suffolk, Mary Hamilton (Mrs. John Dicker---” 4ted by W.S.Lewis, R.A, Smith H. Bennett. 1961. Si N-XT C.]

    Card ID: 365