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BROWNE George Forrest a:be george|k:0208 (6)
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BROWNE, George Forrest
Author: BROWNE (George Forrest)
BROWNE (George Forrest), successively Bishop of Stepney and of Bristol. Boniface of Crediton and his companions. Based on lectures delivered in the Cathedral Church of Bristol in 1906, pp. x. ÷ 372. pates and facsimiles. 80. London and Erightor, 1910.
Card ID: 196
BROWNE (George Forrest) successively Bishop of Stepney and of Bristol. The Contixiuity of the Holy Catholic Church in England, etc. (The Church Historical Society [Publicationh1, VIII.) pp. 50. 160. London, 1906.
Card ID: 198
50e30 BROWNE (George Forrest), successively Bishop of Stepney and of Bristol. Echt—Forbes family charters, 1345-.1727, records pf the forest of Birst, notarial signs, 926—1786. [Edited by the Right Rev. G..F.Browne. Edinburgh and London, 1923. See FORBES, Family of, of Echt..
Card ID: 199
f MXQ4 Bro BROWNE (George Forrest), sucessively Bisho of Stpey arid of Bristol. On some antiquities in the neighbourhood of ]Dunecht House Aberdeenshire. pp. 170., 63 plates;. Cambridge, 1921.
Card ID: 202
DEPOSITORY BROWNE (George Forrest)9 successively ishop Of Stepney and of Bristoi On some inscriptions and supposed inscriptions:— Wilne, Monkwearmouth, Jarrow, Hawkswell. (1?roni the Cambridge Antiquarian Society’ s Commuunicat.ions, Vol. VI.) pp. i6. plates. 8°. (Cambridge,] 1884.
Card ID: 203
BROWNE (George Forrest), successively Bishop of St,epney and of Bristol. See GAUSSEN (W.F.A.) Memorials of a short life: a bograph— ical sketch of W. F. A. Gaussen with essa.ys on Russian life and literature. Edited by G. F. Browne, London, 1895.
Card ID: 206