
Search Term (count):

BROWN William Norman a:it william|k:it (william) (4)



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    Author: BROWN (William Norman)


    BROWN (William Norman). The Story of Kãlaka, etc. Washington, 1933. Se WASHINGTON (COLU1BL). Smithsonian Institution. Freer G11eryof Art. Oriental studies. No. 1.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: BROWN (William Norman)


    DEPOSITORY BROWN (William Norman). A Pillared hail from a temple at Madura, India, in the Phi1delphia Museum of Art. pp. xii. + 88. Plates, plan and lustra— tions. 80. PhiIade1hia and Londofl, 1940.

    Card ID: 121

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    Author: WASHINGTON (COLtflBIA)


    • - 3ci ,- to & WASHINGTON (COLtflBIA). Smit n tjon. Freer Gallery of Art. Oriental studies. No.1, BROWN (William Norman). The Stor37 of iCâlaka: texts, history-, legends, and miniature paintings of the vetãmbara Jam hagiographical work, the â1akâcãryakath. With...lates. pp. viii. + 149. 0 4 . Washington, 1933.

    Card ID: 120

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    Author: No Author available


    (4 .s.. &Cs4 je.c%.) ff. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Freer Gallery of Art. Oriental Studies. No. 2. BROWN (William Norman) * A Descriptive arid illustrated catalogue of miniature paintings of the Jaina KalpasGtra as executed in the Early Western Indian style, . pp. v. + 66 ÷ 45 plates. fol. Washington, 1934.

    Card ID: 121