BROWN (John Allen)
3 ‘o
BROWN (John Allen).
Palolithic man in N.W. rniddlesex: the evidence of his existence and the physical conditions under which he lived in Ealing and its neigh— bourhood, illustrated by the condition and culture presented by certain existing ev— ages, etc. pp. iii. ÷ 227. Plates and diajzram.
8°. London, 1887.
Card ID:
BROWN (Reginald Allen)
• • C ‘Ui(
- - e;p
BROWN (Reginald Allen).
See LJDNDON. [III.] Pipe Roil Society. [Publications.] New Series.
37. Pipe roil 17 John, edited by R.A.Brown; and Praestita roil 11i18 John, Roll of si.wvnses, 12114, Scutage roll 16 John, edited by J.C.Holt.
8°. London, i96L.
Card ID:
W (Reginald Allen)
( M’j(,
BR0W (Reginald Allen).
LONDOI. :xii.] fe fbi],. 3ociy.
L?ublications.i New Series.
31. The Memoranda.roll ror the tenth year of the reign of King John,
1207—8. Togeher with the Curia Regis rolls of Ujiary 7 Richard 1.3 1196, and Easter 9 Richard I., 119, a roll of plate held by Hugh de Neville in 9 John, 1207—8, and fragments of the Close Rolls of 16 and 17 John, 1215—16. Edited by R.A. Brown.
London, 1957.
Card ID:
No Author available
3 MuL
LO1DON. Pipe Roll Soci. £Publications.) New Series
31. The 2Lemoranda roil for the tenth year of the reign of King John, 1207—8. Together with the Curia Regis rolls of Hilary 7 Richard I., 1196, and Easter 9 Richard I., 1198, a roll of plate held by Hugh de Neville in 9 John,
1207—8, and. fragnients of the Close Rolls of i6 and 17 John, 1215—16. Edited by H. Allen Brown. pp. xv. + 220.
8°. London, 1957.
Card ID:
No Author available
B1BL. 1 lng1ish. 13101
The Bible, that is, the Hoy.Seripturea contained.in .the.Old ard New Testament [C0NTINUOJ:—
e 1 5 5 8
, Br , 2 leaves without ii., Ze ,Aaa—Zzz , Aeea—Zzzz., Asses—Mamas ,
Nnnnn4. Ustrical Psalms:— A—P6, 4. The corners are torn fran woes Icayci at the beginning. of Mornincz Pravar.
A reprint of the 1o.io or 15929I; with unnuabcred.leavez, the titles of books sod ohapter—nunbers.in the heed—lines printeddc.italios,.ani.alterations.in the title0border to the general and New ‘lestement titles.in.whic portions of the
wood—bloclcs have been out.away and fresh pieees:inserted.to give thonew royal arseand the uaioórn.inatcad of the draqon.
Printed;in black:lettor:in two columns, rulsd.Jri red, with woodcuta,vignettes.. .andinitia1s.in addition to the onravod titc—agos.
The binding has been rcbacksd,thcnidcs arc original brown calf with tooled
borders, floral rotifs.at oorncr’s, and with heraldio.book-.stasp of J520s 1.-in centres. Remains of sotsi clsspsat.the edges.
The.inside cover contains an autogreph;innoription signed with the.initialsS.T. and E.P4, aafollons:—”Sr. :Allen:Cotton bie.bibelland he died, ho gaive:it’to
his cueiu John Terrioke, & he 4i leve.it to Sãzuel Porrioke his sono, end now
[S€ Nxt:cAao:1
Card ID: