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BROWN George William it (william) (6)
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BROWN, Frederick George William
BROWN, George William
BROWN, Fredez’ick George William
No Author available
Author: BROWN (Frederick George William)
BROWN (Frederick George William). Plane trigononietry, etc. Lonth,, 1930. See inf pa Proçressive trizonornetr.y. Part H.
Card ID: 67
Author: BROWN (George William)
BROWN (George William), The Economic history of £iberia. Iwith a bibliography. pp. (2) + ix. + 366. 8°. Washington, 1941.
Card ID: 92
Author: BROWN (Fredez’ick George William)
• EPOS!TØ BROWN (Fredez’ick George William). Procresive trigononietrr. 2 vols. Iflustrtiond fjureg. • 8. London, 1928—30. 1. Numericc1 trigonometry. 2. Plane trigonozxlctrZrb
Card ID: 68
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix. — Critioisni.j WOODBERRY (George E.) Shakespeare: an address (delivered at the celebration of the tercentenary of the death of Shakespeare, under the auspices of the Department of English of Brown University, in Sayles Hall, April 26, 1916), [Boston, Mass.) 1916.
Card ID: 183
Author: No Author available
Dros(ToR(. BROWN (George William),. Professor of kfislory in the University of Toronto. Building the Canadian nation. [With bibliographies. pp. x. + U78 [or rather 502). Portraita, illustrations, facsirile, and maps. - 8°. London, 19144. Each of the 6 parts of the book i preceded b.y four wrnumbered pages. -
Card ID: 93
Lc5ITh5 LI$$4 C—’] .1 ••: I. COMPTON (Sir William). See ENGLAND. Proclamstions. Chronological Series. Commonwealth. By the Par].iament. [Beg.) •Nhereas information is given to the Parliament that... William Compton. . .and 1ichard Brown.. .stand violently suspected to be ingaed in the sane treasonable design with Sir George Booth.. .the Parliament.. .cotnraand that they... do render them3elves to the Parliament or Council of State, etc. (September 3. 1659.) London, 1659.
Card ID: 360