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BROWN Francis James brown (james) (2)



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    Author: BROWN (Francis James)


    BROWN (Francis James). See WASHINGTON (CoLu?BIA). American Council on Education. The Role of colleges and universities in international understanding; a report of a conference held under the auspices of the Azierican Council on ducation... June 19—22, 1949. Edited by U.L.Nostrand and P.J.Brown. Washington, D.C., 1949.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: No Author available


    t]’ (.Vi tOL)&i\J’ (. OSBORNE(Francis). The Vorks of Francis four several tracts viz’. 1. Advice to a son...2. Political reflections on the governnient of the Turks, &c. 3. Memoires on Q. Elizabeth and K. James. 4. A rniscellan o essays, paradoxes...characters, &c. The eighth edition. pp. (12) + 628. [D.—L.L.] 8. London, 1682. Each part has a sçparate tit1e—pae. Bound in mottled brown ceJf with the arms o Lewis Watson Earl of Pnckingham stamped in the centre of each side. On the titie—age is the autograh signature, L.Watson, No.’ 17 in ?EHitorics1 and armorial bindingixh -. the University Libray’T. [SEE NEXT CMD.]

    Card ID: 109