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BROUGHTON Thomas a:i i john|k:to (john) (4)



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    Author: BROUGHTON (Thomas)


    BROUGHTON (Thomas), Author of “The PolItIcal hIstory of John Bu1l’ The PolItIcal hIstory of hn Bull; I, the True EnglIshman, neIther a republIcan noran arIstocrat...Also remarks on the present state of the electIve power of the people and the constItutIon of ParlIament, wIth proposItIons for...a constItutIonal mode of reform. pp. xvI. + 275. So. Lonron, 1792

    Card ID: 272

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    Author: BROUGHTON (Thomas)


    Porteus LIbrary 2:9 BROUGHTON (Thomas), Prebendary of SalIsbury. A Defence of the commonly—receIved doctrIne of the human soul, as an ImmaterIal and naturally— Immortal prIncIple In man, . pp. 174. 8°. BrIstol and ndon, 1766.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: BROUGHTON (Thomas Duer)


    BROUGHTON (Thomas Duer). Letters wrItten In a hIahratta camp, durIng the year 1809, descrIptIve of the character, manners, domestIc habIts and relIgIous ceremonIes of the Mahrattas, . pp. (12) + 358. Plates. 0 4 . London, 1813. IInprfect wantIng the half—tItle, frontIspIece and tItlepage.

    Card ID: 275

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    Author: TWOOD (Thomas Broughton)


    A8TWOOD (Thomas Broughton). Industry In the country towns of Norfolk and Suffolk...BéIng the report of a survey carrIcd out In 146—7 under the general dIrectIon of A.W.MenzIes Kjtchjn. pp. 63. char.t and, tables. 8°. London, l5l.

    Card ID: 8