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BROUGHAM John a:on john|k:0799 (6)



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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    Q?7SG BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. I J Dombey and son. Dramatized from DicenS’ novel...In three acts, etc. (French’s Imerican Drama, _the_ctin_itio, 126.) pp. 31. i2°. New York, [c.1865J. Bound in a volume lettered’Brougham’s Dramatic Worcs11.

    Card ID: 221

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    P773c BROUGHAM (John), Cotuedian. The Irish Yankee; or, the Birth—day of freedom. A drama in three acts, etc. (Frenchts American Drama: the Acting Edition, 88.) pp. 28. 12. w York, [1865?] Bound in a volume lettered Brogham’s Dramatic Works”.

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    Malcolm Morley, - Collection BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. - Jane Zyre a drama in five acts. Adapted from C.Bronte’s novel. i: 1883.) DICKS (fohn). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 400.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    ‘ITL c’i BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. Neptunets defeat; or, the Seizure of the seas. A new and curiously original allegoric, myth— ologic, metaphoric filtration of sur—passing events, etc. un two acts and in verse.J (The Minor Drama: the Acting Edit, 165.) pp.. 12°. New York, [.l865J. Bound in a volume lettered “Brougham’s Dramatic Works”.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    YTL O•tiJ BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. An Original, aboriginal, erratic, operatic, semicivilized and demi—savage extravaganza, being a per—version of ye trewe and wonderrefulle hystorie of ye rermowirned prtncesse, P0—ca— hon—tas; or, the Gentle savage. In two acts Land in verse], etc. (French’s Anierican_Dram: theiçtg_4iio, 69.) pp. 32. 12°. New Yo, [1865?] Bound i “Brha&s_Dramatic_Works”.

    Card ID: 236

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    YTL (nfr c BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. P1ayiig with fire: an original comedy in five acts. pp. 58. 12. London, [1866]. Bound in a volume lettered_“Brougharn’s_Dramatic Works”.

    Card ID: 237