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BROOKS Van Wyck brooks (van wyck) (8)
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BROOKS, Van Wyck
BRDOG, Van Wyck
ANN, Otto Ludwig
No Author available
BERGU, Georges
Author: BROOKS (Van Wyck)
BROOKS (Van Wyck). 1< L Helen Keller: sketch for a portrait. pp. 166. 8°. Lpri4on, 1956. [Another copy. J TORY
Card ID: 398
LMJYi-’A BROOKS (Van Wyck). • A11ERICAN CARAVan. The American caraVan: a yearbook of Acnerican literature. Edited by V,W.Brooks, e London [New YorJ printed], 1928.
Card ID: 404
Author: BRDOG (Van Wyck)
folio 33 YTA Bro BRDOG (Van Wyck). Our literary heritage: a. pictorial history of the writer in America. Van Wyck Brooks and 0.L. BettnE.nn. [An abridgment by O.L.ttnarin of ‘Walters and finders: a history of the writer in A1rerica, 1800-1915’, by Van Wyck Brooks.] pp.ix, 21il. f 01. New York, 1956. [English edition. J A Pictorial history of American literature. pp.ix, 214. fol. London, 1956.
Card ID: 401
Author: SLOAN (Jobn)
+ r1-f H SLOAN (Jobn). See BROOKS (Van Wyck). John Sloan: a painter’s life, etc. London.[U.S.A. printed], 1955.
Card ID: 481
Author: ANN (Otto Ludwig)
folio 33 ?TA Bro JWPV24ANN (Otto Ludwig). See 001 (Van Wyck). Our literary heritage: a pictorial his tory of the writer in America. Ry Vti Wyck Brooks and O.L. Bettznsnn. [An abridencnt by O.L.ttniann of ‘kers and finders: a history of the writer In America, 1800-19151, by Van Wyck Brooks J fol • New York, 1956. — [English edition.] A Pictorial history of AmerIcan literature. fol. London, 1956.
Card ID: 516
Author: No Author available
f1.v L::’. BROOKS (Van Wyck). John Sloan: a painter’s life, etc. pp (10) + 246. Portraits and plates. 8°.Lcndon [U.S.A.. printed 1, 1955.
Card ID: 399
Author: BERGU (Georges)
BERGU (Georges). Some aspects of the life of Jesus, from the pGyoho1oioal and psycho-analytic point of view...Translated. by . Stimson Brooks and Van Wyck Brooks. [With an appendix:The poetry of Jesus, and a bibliography of the lives of Jesus.] + 332. - 50• London, 1923.
Card ID: 65
.L)Tii t• STERLIG L1ERAR( — FFERErCE Oi’LY BROOKS (Van Wyck). See EA’iTHORNE (Natbaniel). The House of the Seven Gables: a romance...7ith an introduction by V.W.Brooks and illustrations in color by V.Angelo. Limited Editions Club: New lork, 1935.
Card ID: 405