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BROOKE Iris a:c “|k:c(c) (5)
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Author: BROOKE (Iris)
Le Bro BROOKE (Iris). Dress and undress the Restoration and the eighteenth century. pp. xi. + 161. Illustrations. 8. London, 1958.
Card ID: 197
BROOKE (Iris), English costume in the age o Elizabeth: the sixteenth century. Drawn and described by I. Brooke. pp. 86 + (2). Illustrations. 8°. Londàn, 1933.
Card ID: 199
BROOKE (Iris). English costume of the later middle ages: the four— teenth and fifteenth centuries. Drawn and described br I. Brooke. pp. 86 + (2). Illustrations . 8°. London, 193.
Card ID: 201
BROOKE (Iris). English costume of the seventeenth century. Drawn arid described byl. Brooke. p. 86 + (2). Illustrations. 80. Lond. 934.
Card ID: 202
‘__c\ ‘1 BROOKE (Iris) - -- - S LAYER (James).. - English costume of the eighteenth century. Dfawn by I.Brooke, descrIbed by J.Laver. LQndon, 1931.
Card ID: 204