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BRITTON John a:c john|k:to (john) (12)



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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    4o BRITTON (John), Bishop of Hereford. Eritton. [The treatise on English law.] The French text carefully revised, with an English translation, introduction and notes, by F.M.Nichols. 2 vols. 0 8 . Oxford, 1865.

    Card ID: 227

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    - BRITTON (John),. F.S.A. The Architectural antiquities of Great Britain, represented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sections and details of various ancient English edifices, with historical and descriptive accounts of each. 5 vols. Li.I.) 40• London, [l806—26J.Sl e. [Another copy of Vol. 5 identical with the above, but for the title-page which bears the date a.sao.J

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    I BRITTON (John), The Beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in statistical, historical, and descriptive sketches, interspersed with anecdotes of the arts. [With a bibliography.) 3 vols. Plates and map. 8°. London, 1801—25. Vol. 3 was printed for the author. Eacl volume has an additional engraved titlepa.

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    tc [I BRITTON (John), An Essay on topographical literature, its province, attributes and varied utility. With accoi.nts of the sources, objects, and uses of zational and local recoi’ds, and glossaries of words used in noient writings. See WILTSHIRE. Wiltshire Topograhical Soci,y.. The History of the Parish of Grittleton, etc. London, 1843.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    17 •‘ (ikt t i,wcL 4hcL S cAL - BRITTON (John), F.S.A. GraphiQal and literary illustrations of Fonthil1 Abbey, Wiltshire. With heraldical and enealoica1 notices of the Beckford family. pp. viii. + -66 + (4). Eiban tables. 4°. London, 1823. With a seoond

    Card ID: 234

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    ‘O BRITTON (John), F.S.A. ,) 7 An Historical and erchiteotural essay relating to Redoliffe Church, Bristol: illustrated with plans, views and architectural detai).s, including an account of the monuments, and anecdotes of the eminent persons interred within its walls. -Also, an essay on the life said. character of Thomas Chatterton. pp. xii. + 40. [1.1.] 4O London 1813.

    Card ID: 236

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    tC — ‘I BRITTON (John), F.S.A. 1 The flistory and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. including biographical anecdotes of the most distinguished persons interred in.. that edifice. With an essay on epitaphs, in which its principal monumental inscriptions are recordei. Illustrated by...engravings. pp. xvi. + 220. 8°. London, printe$or the author, 1825. With.a second, en_graved tt1epage. s-a tt [Another edition.] Continued to the present time,’’1 with additional notea, by R.E.H.Peach. With aix iiluetratiofl8. pp. xix, 107. Bath and London, 1887.

    Card ID: 237

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    Lcp BRITTON (John), F.8.A. )Iernoir of John Aubrey, F.R.S., embracing his auto—biographical sketches, a brief review of his personal and literary merits, and an account of his works, with extracts from his correspondence, anecdotes of some of his contemporaries, and or the times in which he lived. Published by the Wiltshire Topographical Society. pp. x.’ + 151. Portrait, facsimile and genealogical table. [I,.I.1 40 1845.

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    Awb BRITTON (John), See AUBREY (John). £Memoires of Naturall - ...Remarques in Wilts.] The Natural history of Wiltshire, by John Aubrey...Edited, and elucidated by notes, by J,Brittcn. Londoi, 184ç.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    BRITTON (John), F.S.A. âc& GODWIN (G.), Editor of.Th Builder’1. The Churches of London: a history and description- of the ecclesia3tical edifices of the nietropolis...By G.Godwin, assisted by J1.Britton, etc. London, 1839.

    Card ID: 248

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    BRITTON (John), F.S.A. See FLEES (Thomas), P.S.A. Reminiscences of literary London from 1779 to 1853, with interesting anecdotes of publishers, authors and book auctioneers of that period, &c., &o... With extensive additions by J.Britton. London [U.S.A. •1ntej, 1896.

    Card ID: 252

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    Author: BRITTON (John)


    MU3 Bri Reference only BRITTON (John), F.S.A. and BRAYL1Y (Edward Wedlake). The Beauties of England and Wales; or, Original delineations, topographical, historical, and descriptive of each county. Embeiliehed with engravings. By J.Britton and E.W.Brayley [continued by J.Nightingale, J.N.Brewer, J.Evans, J.Hodgson, F.C.Laird, F.choberl, J.Bigland, and T.Rees.j 19 vole, in 26. Maps and tables. London, i8oi—i8. Introduction. By J.N.Brewer. 1818. 1. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghainshire. By J.Britton and E.W.Brayj.ey. 1801. 2. Cambridgeehire, Cheshire, Cornwall. By J.Britton and E.W.Brayley. 1801. [SEE NEX CARD.]

    Card ID: 256