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BRINIC Norman George a:be george|k:0208 (1)



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    Author: BRINIC (Norman George)


    BRINIC (Norman George). Reactions of orgnomete11ic compounds with eThyl halides. I. The action of sodium ethy]. on (-)2— bromooctane. Studies on the partial synthesis of corticosterone. ilL. Experiment1 investigations in the chemistry of ring C in desoxyoholic acid. [Thesis: Princeton University. With a short bib1ioraphy1 fleprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical SocIety, 65 end from the Journal Biological Chemistry, I62] 2.arein1 vol. Diagrams. 8°.. [Princeton, 1946.] Ceta]1oued_frorn the wrapper.

    Card ID: 357