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BRIGGS Henry a:p will|k:p (will) (14)



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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    rm :‘ s 1 BRIGGS (Henry) Mathernaticim. J / ArithmeLica logarithmioa sive logaritbrnorv.m Chiliades triginta, pro numeris riaturali serie cresceritibus ab ‘nitate ad 20,000: et a 90,000 ad 100,000.. .hos nvmeros prims inveniL.. 1. Nepervs, Baro Merchistonij: eoa autern ex eiusdem sententia mutavit.., eorurnque ortum et. vsurn illust.ravit Henricvs Briggivs, etc. :- pp.(8.) + 88 + (300). Diagrams. [De Li;] fol. 0. Jones: London, 1624. [Another copy.] [L.1.i Lt’-r.J -‘-c .-i/ [Another copy.] Wanting the leaf of errata.

    Card ID: 390

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    L ‘J L 2, BRIGGS (Henry), Mathematician. Arithmetica logarithmica, etc. [Continue4.] —[Another edition.] Arithmetica logarithxaica, si’ve logarithmorvm chiliades centvm, pro nunieris naturali serie crescentibus ab vnitate ad 100000. Vra cvm canone triangvlorvm, sev tabvla artifieialivm sinuum, tangentium & secantium, ad radium 10,00000,00QOO & ad singula scrupula prima quadrantis...Editio secunda aucta per A. Vlacq. 2 parts in 1 vol. Diagrams. [De M.) fol. Excudebat P. Ramnmase1ius: Gouda, 1628. [SEE NEXT CARD.1

    Card ID: 391

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry) - De oreaticne & affeotionibus 1ogaritIinorim exoerpt8. ex ari.t1rnetioa logarithmioa Henrici Brigil. pp. (2) + 66 + 1 blanlc leaf. 8°. Dub1in, 1790.

    Card ID: 395

  • card

    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry), uthemati’cian. The First thousandlogarithines now againe set forth by...H. Briggs, GUNTEI CE.) The Description and use of the sector, crosse—staffe and other instruments, etc. London, 1636.

    Card ID: 396

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry), Mathematician. H. Briggii Tabvla, sive chiliades viginti logarithmorvm pro numeris naturali serie crescentibus ab vnitate ad 20000. See VLACQ (A.) Trigonometria artificialis, Gouda, 1633.

    Card ID: 397

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry)., JIathettctan. + Trigonometria 8ritannica; sive., dedoctrina trian— gulorum libri duo: quorum prior continet construc— tionem canonis sinunni, bangentium.& seoantium, uria oum logarithmis...a...H. Briga...oonpositus. Posterior vero usum sive applicationew reso— lutione triangulorurn...exhibit, ab H. Geflibrarid.,. oonstructus. 2 parts in I vol. CD.?1.) tol. Gou2a, 1S33. Thie work waw 1et unrinisbd by the auLhor a.d oorp1etedand Dubliehed by hie friend Henry Ge2..ibr,in, professor of reeh Co.1e LAnother copy.) CL.I.J Iderfect iãntin the: tit1epage which has been sup1ied in xerographic facs1iri1.

    Card ID: 401

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry), Mathentician. See NAPIER (J.), o,fMercMstQui. Mirifici logarithmorvm canonis con— strvctio.. • ciim arinotationibus... it. Briggii, . yons, 1620.

    Card ID: 404

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    BRIGGS (Henry) Mathematician. SI{WIN (H.) i1athernatica1 tables...By r. Brigs,eto. IjonLon, 1717. (Tne Third edition.) Sherwin’s mathematical tables, etc. London, 1742.

    Card ID: 405

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry)


    DEPOSITORY BRIGGS (Henry), Professor of MirüngEnineerini in the University of Edinburgh. The Ventilation of xines: generation of the air current.. .With illustrations. (Monograohs on Coal-Mining.) pp. xiv. + 136. Digrs and tabi. 0 8 . London, 1929.

    Card ID: 406

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry Bremridge)


    — — 44 L ‘ hC c S BRIGGS (Henry Bremridge). The Elements of plainsong. Compiled from a series of lectures delivered before the members of the Plaineong & Mediaeval Music Society. Edited by H.B.Briggs. pp. xvi, 91, 29. ‘acsimiles and tables. 4°. London, 1895. No. 247 of a limited edition of 300 copies. [Another copy.]]C \Li) J No. 150 of the same limited edition. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry Bremridge)


    DEPOSITORY BRIGGS (Henry Bremridge). The Elements of plainsong, eta. [Continued.] —- -—New edition, curtailed & rearranged. pp. x, 83, 6. Tables. 8°. London, 1909.

    Card ID: 408

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    Author: BRIGGS (Henry Breinridge)


    BRIGGS (Henry Breinridge). History and characteristics of pi.ainsong. (From the Transactions of the S.Paults Ecciesiological Society, Vol.IXI.) - pp. 7. Plate. 4. Lo.ndoj, 1891. ajpgped_1rou thewr,pp.

    Card ID: 409