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BRIEN, Richard Barry
Author: BRIEN (Richard Barry)
O’BRIEN (Richard Barry). g1and’s title in Ireland. A letter addressed to his Fxcellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. pp. 48. EH. C.] F30 London, 1905.
Card ID: 167
I, ‘ lZ% Ois I BRIEN (Richard Barry). Irish wrongs and English remedies, with ether essays. CWit,h a bibliography.] pp. 270. CL. T.] 80. London, 188?.
Card ID: 169
O’BRIEN (Richard Barry) Thomas Drurnniond, Under-Secretiry in Irelzmd, 1835—40: lire and letters. pp. viii. + 3—401. P,rtrajt and plates. 0 8 . London, 1889.
Card ID: 173