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BRIDGE Sir John Frederick a:on john|k:0799 (4)
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BRIDGE, Sir John Frederick
Author: BRIDGE (Sir John Frederick)
EPOSITON BRIDGE (Sir John Frederick). Counterpoint. pp. vii. ÷ 82. 8°. London, [1878].
Card ID: 469
BRIDGE (Sir John Frederick). Musical gestures: a practical guide to the study of the rudiments of music. (Novello, Ewer nd Co.’s Music Primers, edited by Sir j. Steiner.) pp. . Illust-rations. [L.I.] 8. London and New York, f 1894].
Card ID: 471
7$t dcjJ BRIDGE (Sir John Frederick). The old’ cryes of London, ç.. pp. 78. Pla1te and facsimiles. 8°. Lpndon 1921.
Card ID: 472
STEFLff!G LIBRARY iq7 REFERENCE Ot’LY BRIDGE (Sir John Frederick) LITURGIES. Church of England. [Occasional Offices.- Coronation Office.] The Form and orderof...the coronation of their Majesties King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra...With the music to be sung, edited by Sir F.Bridge, London, 1902. -.-----
Card ID: 474